Facebook Can Use Phone Numbers For Targeted Advertising

Common sense also suggests that using Facebook isn't free and that the content and information you post on Facebook will be considered for monetization. So, this should not be too surprising.

While Facebook denied that it is directly selling phone numbers to advertisers, and is using the phone numbers only for security reasons, it only said half the truth in a move that is best described as don't ask, don't tell. An entry posted to the Facebook developer pages provides some information that phone numbers are, in fact, used for custom audience targeting. According to the post, phone numbers and email addressed can be leveraged, provided they already generated this data, either from within Facebook or through other means.

Advertisers will have to hash the data to target specific audiences and avoid scatter shooting to make their advertising more effective. Facebook claims that it does sync phone numbers, but it does report a number of hits, albeit not a list of user names.

If you guard your privacy on Facebook with reasonable measures anyway, you may already have questioned the reasons for providing a phone number to the social network already. However, for those who do not and may not be overly cautious, Facebook can certainly be accused of not be entirely open about the phone number issue.

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  • wannabepro
    Facebook: For Tools and Fools
  • xpeh
    Good thing I don't have a Facebook! Not that I need one, anyway. Real life > Facebook
  • mrmaia
    Nothing convinces me Google doesn't do something similar. They even use the same "security reasons" excuse.
  • joytech22
    mrmaiaNothing convinces me Google doesn't do something similar. They even use the same "security reasons" excuse.
    Well it seems Google has actually been quite trustworthy, Facebook has been exposed time and time again. Google already has targeted advertising through its search engine and other sites but they aren't the same greedy company others such as Facebook are.
  • abbadon_34
    why would anybody put their phone number on Facebook!?
  • edogawa
    I have a Facebook account, I don't use it. I prefer a good old fashion face to face conversation and handshakes over.
  • aoneone
    hehe Everyone is getting commercialized and used for money... But not me ^_^. Thank god I leave no carbon print online.

    I have always been computer savvy since 1995 and I wake up every morning thanking the Cosmos that I didn't end up becoming a Facebook and/or Twitter zombie.

    Guess what? You feel like deleting your account? Well since 2011 you can close, ban, delete all you want, but you will ALWAYS leave some kind of 'print'.

    Welp, have fun getting identified.. time for me to lurk back into anonymity shadows see ya! ^_^
    wannabeproFacebook: For Tools and FoolsYeah, well, so is an iPhone.
  • Kami3k
    aoneonehehe Everyone is getting commercialized and used for money... But not me ^_^. Thank god I leave no carbon print online. I have always been computer savvy since 1995 and I wake up every morning thanking the Cosmos that I didn't end up becoming a Facebook and/or Twitter zombie. Guess what? You feel like deleting your account? Well since 2011 you can close, ban, delete all you want, but you will ALWAYS leave some kind of 'print'. Welp, have fun getting identified.. time for me to lurk back into anonymity shadows see ya! ^_^
    Your IP can be traced to where you live.

    Have fun digesting that bit of info.
  • classzero
    JOSHSKORNYeah, well, so is an iPhone.Really, where did that come from. Bad troll, bad!