Guide to Greener Electronics Ranking 12/2006

The current ranking: Lots of little green, lots of little red. And at least to Greenpeace, Apple cares least about the environment in this group of companies.

The current ranking : Lots of little green, lots of little red. And at least to Greenpeace, Apple cares least about the environment in this group of companies.

Apple's policies remained the same since September of this year, but several other companies have improved dramatically (image: 09/2006 ranking).

Apple’s policies remained the same since September of this year, but several other companies have improved dramatically (image : 09/2006 ranking).

Apple achieved only 2.7 out of 10 Greenpeace points.

Apple achieved only 2.7 out of 10 Greenpeace points.

While Toshiba was second to last, the company scored significantly higher than Apple (3.7 out of 10).

While Toshiba was second to last, the company scored significantly higher than Apple (3.7 out of 10).

Samsung completed the bottom 3 with 4 out of 10 points.

Samsung completed the bottom 3 with 4 out of 10 points.

On the other end of the scale, Nokia ranked first with 7.3 points, followed by …

On the other end of the scale, Nokia ranked first with 7.3 points, followed by …

Dell with 7 and …

Dell with 7 and …

Fujitsu-Siemens with 6. The detailed report can be downloaded here.

Fujitsu-Siemens with 6. The detailed report can be downloaded here.