Latest about Maps
Apple Reportedly Asking Retail Staff for Help Fixing Maps
By Jane McEntegart published
Looks like Apple is recruiting help from anywhere it can.

Motorola Ad Pokes Fun at Apple's Maps Problems
By Jane McEntegart published
Motorola wants you to know you won't get lost using a Droid RAZR.
Google's Schmidt: We Don't Have a Google Maps for iOS 6
By Jane McEntegart published
Eric Schmidt talks about the possibility of Google Maps for iOS 6.

Apple Acknowledges iOS 6 Maps Failure, Hiring New Devs
By Tuan Mai published
Apple hopes to fill numerous positions for iOS software engineers to help improve maps application.
Google Rumored to Have iOS 6 Maps App Ready to Go
By Jane McEntegart published
Word on the street says Google is waiting in the wings with its own Maps app for iOS 6.

Nestle to Find UK Customers via GPS Chips in Candy Bars
By Jane McEntegart published
Nestle is going to track winners of its contest down and hand them a ton of money.
Google: We Really Didn't Delete All Street View Data
By Kevin Parrish published
Google has admitted that it hasn't completely eradicated the personal data it collected via Street View cars.

Google Maps Takes Indoor Mapping Project to the UK
By Jane McEntegart published
Google Maps for Android now helps you navigate UK department stores, too.
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