HTC Says Apple Settlement Royalty Fee Reports Not Correct

HTC's CEO has expressed his dissatisfaction in reports regarding Apple set to earn over quarter of a billion dollars due to their recent 10-year patent settlement deal.

Peter Chou was speaking at a Japanese product launch when he was asked about the rumored $6 to $8 price HTC was paying Apple for each Android phone the handset manufacturer sold.

"I think that these estimates are baseless and very, very wrong. It is a outrageous number, but I'm not going to comment anything on a specific number," said Chou. "I believe we have a very, very happy settlement and a good ending."

An analyst has estimated that HTC will ship 30 to 35 million Android-powered smartphones, subsequently generating between $180 million to $280 million in licensing fees for Apple.

The two companies did not reveal which patents they'll be sharing or if cross licensing will take place. Either way, HTC didn't change its financial predictions for the fourth quarter following the deal's announcement.

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  • vaughn2k
    Why you just don't die Apple?
  • ojas
    goes to show how much BS analysts spread...
  • murzar
    The figure is a lie.
  • JohnUSA
    jasom statham: drop dead and go to hell you assh0le.
  • ttcboy
    HTC is fueling the apple's stupid patent troll.

    For this, HTC is out of my list.