British Film Institute to Digitize 10,000 British Films

The British Film Institute has announce plans to digitize thousands of British films as part of a larger effort to preserve British film heritage and promote growth in the British film industry.

BFI on Wednesday announced Film Forever, an initiative that aims to drive industry growth and build a larger audience for British film. This includes plans to invest in education, British film-making, and heritage. The heritage portion of the Film Forever program includes plans to digitize 10,000 British films, dubbed the BFI 10K, between now and 2017. There will also be a public vote to decide which films should be digitized.

The Film Forever initiative also includes more money for the production and development of UK films, and a partnership with Samsung for a Smart TV app giving exclusive BFI content, including behind the scenes at the BFI London Film Festival. BFI said it will launch a UK wide road-show to start implementing the plan across the country, throughout November. The road shows are open to everyone and will stop in Glasgow, Derry/Londonderry, Salford, Birmingham, Gateshead, Nottingham, Bristol and Cardiff.

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  • now just add good acting and i might watch one.
  • Leopardos
    I LOVE British movies !!
    The accent,humor, atmosphere...
    I used to watch about 3-4 movies a day back then, all British ..
    Sadly, no more time to watch alot of movies now...
    Alot of movies got low ratings, but the atmosphere of this movies are rare and u cant find it anywhere else...
    like Fish Tank, this movie is simple, its about a girl's life with her mother and dancing .. Unbelievable!!
  • drwho1
    I love British films, I personally own several British movies...
    (not limited to Harry Potter....) I specially like their comedies and even some of their TV shows.

  • frombehind
    Wake me up when they release them to the public. Untill then ima stick to my own collection of digized movies, tv shows and anime, all free of charge. Yarr Matey!
  • digiex
    Can it be downloadable at Piratebay?
  • bigdog44
    unless it includes episodes of Benny Hill, then I'm not that interested.
  • greghome
    My list:

    -Monty Python's Life of Brian
    -The King's Speech
    -Harry Potters
    -Shaun of the Dead
    -Black Adder series
    -Bond Films of course ;)
  • derekbrandon
    Probably go unnoticed by most - it's the very last sentence on the very last page... but to many it's the most important - great to see the new BFI plans include cinema access: 'The Diversity funds will help promote equal access, participation and strengthening cultural diversity. It will also enhance access for people with sensory impairments and fund pilots for disabled people'.

    A lot of people will appreciate that statement, and eventually benefit from much-improved access to films. To thousands of people with hearing loss, an accessible show - via subtitles - is the main reason they go to see a film. Not special effects, not 3D, Brad Pitt, not great stories, but the opportunity to simply follow the plot and enjoy the film!

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