Battlefield 1943 PC Delayed

G4 recently conducted a follow-up interview with DICE's Gordon Van Dyke, producer of the World War II FPS, Battlefield 1943. Although the game was released as a downloadable title for Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network a month ago, G4 decided to check back in to see Dyke's reaction.

Based on numbers provided by Gamerankings, Battlefield 1943 has received admirable review scores (85-percent average for both platforms) and, according to Dyke, the game has seen much success with the console gamers. Unfortunately, the interview doesn't bring good news for PC gamers wanting their share of the action. If fact, Dyke made it clear that Battlefield 1943 will see a slight delay.

Why the delay? Dyke attributes the setback to the Frostbite engine, as this will be the engine's first PC title. "There are also many different and unique only challenges to the PC that has lead to us pushing the release even further to Q1 CY 2010 [early next year]," he explained. "This was a hard pill to swallow, but it was absolutely needed to ensure the features and functionality that PC players have come to expect from Battlefield on PC are not missing. Things like support for DirectX 9 and 10, higher player count (up to 32-player matches), wide peripheral support i.e. joysticks for flying, VoIP, and ranked server provider hosting. So it was and still is the absolutely right decision, for quality sake, to not release until it is ready."

Battlefield 1943, an online multiplayer World War II first-person shooter, takes place in the Pacific Theater of Operations. The game offers three classes: Infantryman, Rifleman, and Scout, and provides only the Conquest multiplayer mode seen in previous titles.

For console gamers, Battlefield 1943 costs 1200 Microsft points on LIVE, or $14.99 on the PlayStation Network.

  • This is Bullsh*t!!! If it were another console you would have it out already. Death to all consoles!!!!
  • SneakySnake
    I concur

    Every console gamer that has seen my gaming rig wants one. And people have the wierdest rumors about PC's. As I was starting up COD5 for a side by side test with his 360 on the same monitor he told me that PC's haven't advanced in tech since the 360 release (?? WTF ??). Upon seeing the comparison he sold his 360 and bought my old rig off of me.
  • viometrix
    i dont mind a delay when you know they are working to give us the quality that we expect as pc gamers with our superior hardware....shit my video card is more powerfull than an xbox 360
  • SneakySnake
    i wouldn't mind the delay either, but their excuse is BS, they put all of their time into the console versions and now their working on PC
  • NuclearShadow
    I honestly don't understand the hype behind this game. Its just a remake of BF1942 for the most part but it actually contains less content and less players at a time. Sure the graphics are better and the engine is newer but I think in the end 1942 wins in gameplay.
  • fogartini
    True Battlefield fans have always been on the PC, every time they release a console version its an utter failure but the faithful PC gamers still log tens of thousands of hours every week on Versions of battlefield that are close to a decade old just hoping that one day EA will grace us with a new version. Way to screw the faithful fans EA. Don't tell me they haven't had time to perfect it, they haven't had the time because they haven't made it a priority.
  • bluzman32
    I was really looking forward to playing it this september. I have a ton of good memories from bf1942.
  • trandaltrantran
    WHAT!??!?! *rages on the keyboard like the german kid playing UT*
  • rambo117
    SneakySnakeI concurEvery console gamer that has seen my gaming rig wants one. And people have the wierdest rumors about PC's. As I was starting up COD5 for a side by side test with his 360 on the same monitor he told me that PC's haven't advanced in tech since the 360 release (?? WTF ??). Upon seeing the comparison he sold his 360 and bought my old rig off of me.same here. Got one of my friends cowering when he brought his sissy xblows 360 and saw my rig >: )

  • scooterlibby
    I give up on PC gaming for now. I say this as a huge fan of PC gaming and hardware. I also do not own a console. Between the comments of Carmack and Crytek, it looks like a long, boring ride until 2012.