Rumors Rage Regarding IBM Layoffs

Word on the grapevine is IBM has become the latest company to lay off staff in light of the weakening economy. ZDNet reports, citing several tips as well as comments from the IBM Employees Union Website Alliance@IBM, that the company could be about to lay off a substantial amount of people. The Alliance website today displays the message, “IBM JOB CUTS ARE HAPPENING in SWG and Sales and Distribution in the US and Canada 1/21/2009!”

The site details that IBM employees nationwide are anxiously waiting for the company to publicly announce the number of job cuts likely to take place in the United States and indeed, the discussion section of the site is buzzing with comments from people claiming to have been laid off.

“Austin Texas, SWG, 28 people out of 45 cut. young and old, top and bottom performers. Never show me great 4Q numbers again. This company doesn't care about anything anymore. Basic beliefs, my ass.”

“Got laid off today. Last day is 2/23, 4 days shy of eligible for retirement. SWG RTP, NC”

“I just got notified today as well. Almost 10 years, in SWG, PBC 3 this year, and I was fully expecting it. I'm actually kind of glad. I've been looking for a career change for awhile, and also a move from California. So, it was no "big" deal for me. But, that's not to say i'm bitter. I think I wasted 8 years of my life in IBM, and should have left much sooner. People were telling me then I was wasting my life away being here. Anyways, that's my fault. Better 10 than 30 years of hating my job.”

So, if these remarks are anything to go by, IBM is laying off a good few people, however there’s still no official word on just how many are being handed pink slips. We’ll keep an eye on the Alliance@IBM site and update once we know more.

  • Pei-chen
    10% is around 38,000 people.
  • antilycus
    screw that, get rid of the least productive...oh wait, that would mean management would actually have to do their job and hold people accountable. nevermind...
  • m3kt3k
    Antilycus Your right on. My father was hit years ago in the first round. 26Years there. they letgo all the Senior LINE people not managment. Your right less managment would have been good but what they did was Ax the people who made tomuch and hire temps. Living in a small state with 6000people working at IBM this will not be good.
  • they can't be laying off that many people or they would have had to file it publicly. mass layoffs are a big deal when it comes to disclosure.