EA Announces Battlefield Play4Free

Friday Electronic Arts updated its Battlefield franchise portfolio with the announcement of Battlefield Play4Free, slated to hit the PC in Spring 2011. As the name indicates, the game will offer the free-to-play model while combining most of the popular maps found in Battlefield 2 with the classes and weapons of Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

But unlike EA's other free-to-play online shooter Battlefield Heroes--which offers cartoonish characters and arcade gameplay--Battlefield Play4Free will render a more realistic experience offering 32-player online battles, signature Battlefield vehicular warfare and sandbox gameplay. The game also boasts advanced graphics and polished production values.

"We broke new ground in 2009 with the launch of Battlefield Heroes; a game that has 6M registered players worldwide. Now we are complementing that arcade shooter with a core, realistic Battlefield shooter experience that fans have been clamoring for," said James Salt, Senior Producer, Battlefield Play4Free. "Battlefield Play4Free is for serious shooter fans who are looking for a premium--but free--experience that rivals top console titles."

According to EA, players will learn new combat skills and earn in-game money to spend on weapons and equipment. They'll also have access to 16 vehicles including the Mil Mi-28 attack helicopter, the F35 VTOL jet fighter, the Russian T-90 main battle tank, and the LSV light strike vehicle.

Those who want to gain early access can register for the closed beta by heading to the official site. The closed beta officially launches on November 30, just in time for the holiday break.

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  • nevertell
    What OS's does it run on ? Kinda important, since I hate the boot-up time of windows. And wine just generally sucks balls. Still, both of them have progressed splendidly over the years.
  • kewlx
    I have a 20 second (5 seconds added cause of password to type in) boot up time and I am running on a 640 WD black hardrive 7200 rpm ( also its windows 7)
  • samwelaye
    Just as long as people cant buy better guns with real money I'd consider playing it
  • Maxor127
    If it's reworked Battlefield 2 maps with destructible environments and Bad Company 2-quality graphics, I'll be interested. If they're just BF2 maps with 6 year old graphics and just new weapons thrown in, I'll be less interested. They may as well just make BF2 free to download.
  • abswindows7
    Liar, my 640gb Western Digital Black was booting in 40 approx.
    My new Vertex2 Boots in approx 10-15 and shuts under 5sx:)
  • bustapr
    looks awesome. Battlefield 2 maps are the best ever.
  • Albyint
    I love battlefield, but I must admit I dont play BC2 anymore, the game just isnt battlefield on the scale that I came to love. It seems if this is primarily designed for PC and uses BF2 maps, not the choke-point cluster **** COD/BC2 style maps, then it might be a good calling back to old school BF.

    If dice screws up BF3, I will cry blood.

    However this game looks really good, and I hope it lives up to the Battlefield Moniker, I will definitely give it a shot.
  • Travis Beane
    It's BF2 graphics, BFBC2 weapons/classes, and BF Heroes microtransactions.
    You know, the worst of all worlds.
    At least there's more maps.

    I've lost faith in DICE. They've had enough of my money, time for me to choose someone else.
    Seeing as I also dislike CoD and Halo, what shooter will I play next?
  • Darkerson
    I will have to keep an eye on this. Battlefield Heroes is fun and all, but this sounds way more interesting.
  • number1guy
    Travis BeaneIt's BF2 graphics, BFBC2 weapons/classes, and BF Heroes microtransactions.You know, the worst of all worlds.At least there's more maps.I've lost faith in DICE. They've had enough of my money, time for me to choose someone else.Seeing as I also dislike CoD and Halo, what shooter will I play next?Nothing. Stop playing them because you obviously don't enjoy them.