Garriott: Ultima Online 2 "Theoretically" Possible

In an interview with Eurogamer, Richard Garriott said that his current project dubbed as Ultimate RPG could theoretically become Ultima Online 2. Nothing is set in stone as of this writing, but he admitted that he and EA were on speaking terms and may work together again in the near future.

"We've actually talked to Electronic Arts about [Garriott leading Ultima Online again]," he said. "I would love to have access to the Ultima property. We've had discussions at very high levels with Electronic Arts about access to the property. We're in discussions with Electronic Arts even now about a possible marketing and distribution relationships and things of this nature."

He said there's a split within EA about a possible collaboration: one side that's all thumbs up over the idea, and one half that's resistant because some people have their own ideas about future Ultima projects, and some that seem to have their own ideas about Garriott's possible involvement. Regardless, he's open to the idea of a collaboration, but the Ultima "spiritual successor" wouldn't be a clear, direct sequel.

"If you look back at Ultimas 1, 2, 3 - they weren't related to the rest [of the games]," he said. "Five of the later six games were all in literally the exact same world with the exact same characters and cities I actually think it's time to move on from that regardless, so even if we were to have access to the properties of my historical work, I don't think I would change my current plans. I'm very confident of the current plans as the right way to evolve my creation, regardless."

But the game will keep its isometric presentation whether it's Ultima Online 2 or Ultimate RPG, yet Garriott's team has created a toolset that will allow the game to be either isometric or an actual non-flat 3D presentation. It will also be free-to-play and have the ability to perform on any major platform (notably PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Android, etc).

"We are platform agnostic," Garriott explained. "We will do social media, we will do downloadable executable, we will do web browser and we will do mobile, iPhone, iPad, Android. Our intention is to do the same game across all those. I don't want to do the game where it plays on everything except your iPhone and we'll do some miniature trading game or some hamstrung version. That's not my interest."

To read the full interview, head here.

  • bebangs
    +like if they can port the old Ultima games to android.
    no likes for online Ultima games on android...
  • intel4eva
    from the article
    "We are platform agnostic," Garriott explained. "We will do social media, we will do downloadable executable, we will do web browser and we will do mobile, iPhone, iPad, Android. Our intention is to do the same game across all those. I don't want to do the game where it plays on everything except your iPhone and we'll do some miniature trading game or some hamstrung version. That's not my interest."

    So basically it's going to be crap. How the hell can a game any of us drool over work on freaking facebook or a mobile phone? This guy's got dollar signs in his eyes. Too bad, reading the title I thought of Ultima Online and hoped it was making a modern comeback.
  • Don't forget, this is the guy who believes console gaming is over:

    "I think we might get one more generation,might, but I think fundamentally they're doomed," he told Industry Gamers.

    "I think fundamentally the power that you can carry with you in a portable is really swamping what we've thought of as a console."
  • stormblade42
    I would be looking forward to his game. This dude greatly helped set the foundation for online RPGs and RPGs in general. Ultima 3 for the Commodore 64 is still my favorite RPG of all time.
  • sliem
    I played Ultima 4 through 8, like 7a and 7b the most. 4 and 5 are the hardest and 8 (and heard 9) are the worst designed. I played UO back in 1998 and quit 4 years later, after my house got broken into by a glitch/bug. Sold my account for $400 :D.
  • stevelord
    Played the original Ultimas has a kid. U7 was the best. Still some of the best quality RPG work to date.
  • SapienChavez
    this is awesome!

    i just cancelled my UO account last week, after 13+ years... the first castle north of Minoc, on the Sonoma server, is now decomposing... go camp it; should drop in about 80 days ;)

    ps- U4 is free on right now:

    warning, it hasnt aged well!
  • Ahhh good old UO... Played from 98 till about 2001. Was like virtual crack cocaine! Ruined my college career. Once they took away multiple houses and basically ended PK'ing, it was time to ebay the accounts. Brought in about $2300 bucks for 2 loaded accounts. Built a new computer with the money and swore off any online RPG ever again!
  • kinggraves
    intel4evafrom the article So basically it's going to be crap. How the hell can a game any of us drool over work on freaking facebook or a mobile phone? This guy's got dollar signs in his eyes. Too bad, reading the title I thought of Ultima Online and hoped it was making a modern comeback.
    You think an Ultima game will be bad because of bad graphics/low processing power?

    You've never played Ultima.

    Still, when UO came out there was little competition for it. Now the MMORPG scene is flooded with various titles. Ultima is an old school classic series that set the standard for PC RPGs today, but now that it's the standard, releasing a plain old Ultima title is going to be just that, standard. Is Lord British going to have something that differentiates this title from all those that have taken his formula and improved on it over the years, or is he going to count on brand recognition alone to hook old schooler players into buying it? It's been a long time to even be considering a sequel.
  • gm0n3y
    UO is still the only MMO that I've played for more than a month (put about a year into it back in the day). This project sounds like its going to be full of fail.