VIDEO: Windows 95 Running On the iPad

Well it would seem the folks at iSoft have done it again. After receiving an email from someone named Pavel Egorkin, we did a little research and it turns out Pavel is part of the iSoft dev team. Pavel sent us the following video of Windows 95 running on an iPad.

Mr. Egorkin didn't provide us with any addition information, so we have no way of knowing if this was done using the same Bochs emulator but we'll update once he gets back to us.

  • HansVonOhain
    That is amazing actually. The vid took forever to download...
  • HansVonOhain
    On the other note, this article is not repeating as other past ipads are kewl articles.
  • lvlouro
    Windows 95 took forever to load u mean
  • cbrei10213
    hahaha, it costs 500+ for an apple product to run windows 95... hahaha
  • sliem
    Nice but what's the use? It's so slow and not touch friendly. iPad is not designed to run on anything other than its own.
  • deividast
    I hope they won't try to put WindowsME on iPad... it would kill poor thing :)
  • N.Broekhuijsen
    first iPad article that I actually wanted to read!
  • N.Broekhuijsen
    deividastI hope they won't try to put WindowsME on iPad... it would kill poor thingAren't we trying to kill these things??
  • Lessqqmorepewpew
    while i generally don't agree with apple's marketing strategy and their draconian restrictions on their products...

    hmm... couldn't find any way of putting a positive light on the iPad.
  • saaiello
    Wow look how slow that is took for it to load I would think it would run faster then that for how much it cost. :lol: