WordPerfect Lightning beta goes live

Ottawa (Ontario) - Corel has released a public beta version of WordPerfect Lightning, a free and toned down version of its word processor that lets users create, edit, print and store files online for remote access.

WordPerfect Lightning functions mainly as a Notepad-esque application, with limited editing capabilities. There is a graphical user interface (GUI) that organizes all open notes and documents.

Lightning can open PDF, Word, and WordPerfect documents, but can only edit "owned" files. Documents that have been created by other users can be opened in a "viewer" mode, which enables viewing and printing, but prevents editing of any text or images. A key feature of the application is that it comes with access to a free online account where users can store files for back-up and remote access.

Users who would like more extensive word processing features, can link the Lightning software with WordPerfect Office X3.

200 MB are available for users to store notes and documents on Corel's server. It is likely a response to the growing popularity of online integration with business applications.

Google, which developed its own spreadsheets program and acquired online word processor Writely, gives users free access to store files on its server. This means they can be accessed anywhere, on any computer, which enables more seamless collaboration between users.