A Dating Site Made Just for Apple Fans (iDate?)

We all know how annoying fanboys can be, be they from either side of the camp. Now a new dating site is in the works to pair Apple fanboys with Apple fangirls.

The dating site is called Cupidtino, a play on Apple's headquarters' location in Cupertino, Calif. and is set to launch June 2010. For now, this notice is displayed on the site:

Cupidtino is a beautiful new dating site created for fans of Apple products by fans of Apple products! Why? Diehard Mac & Apple fans often have a lot in common – personalities, creative professions, a similar sense of style and aesthetics, taste, and of course a love for technology. We believe these are enough reasons for two people to meet and fall in love, and so we created the first Mac-inspired dating site to help you find other Machearts around you.Cupidtino will launch in June 2010 exclusively on Apple platforms – Safari, iPhone and iPad apps. It’s time to share the love.

Definitely a very strange angle, though not completely new given that Trek Passions operates personals for science fiction fans.

(via TechCrunch.)

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • kriswitak
    Oh man, imagine all the smug that will dominate this site. Oh well, I hope this attracts all the Apple Fangirls, so I don't have to worry about meeting them in the real world. heh
  • phoenix777
    Apple has just hit a new low.
  • stopthe_bomb
    What about an Apple hating dating site?
  • sandmanwn
    OMG!!! They are breeding now!!!! Someone save us, all of us!!!!
  • Glorian
    Yeah, friend of mine posted this and I promptly sent him the link of the microwaved ipad yesterday. This is almost as bad if not worse than that "pretty" people only dating site.
  • claudeb
    I hate fanboys in general. I built my pc and i have a macbook. They both work wonderfully for what i use them for and im glad my laptop is a mac rather than a pc and im glad my desktop is a pc rather than a mac. If someone who enjoys using apple products makes you that mad, then u need professional help.
  • figgus
    This is a great idea! You know those sites that compare 26 facets of a relationship to determine compatibility? This site eliminates a bunch of those, making it much easier to use. They don't need to ask about things like common sense, financial sense, intellect, independent thought, grasp on reality, and many many more!

    This site will be a big hit.
  • beayn
    "...personalities, creative professions, a similar sense of style and aesthetics, taste, and of course a love for technology. "

    Just thinking that they have all these in common right away is pretty sad. If there was anyone who used a mac that I knew of I'm sure they would be quite different personalities.
  • hellwig
    figgusThis is a great idea! You know those sites that compare 26 facets of a relationship to determine compatibility? This site eliminates a bunch of those, making it much easier to use. They don't need to ask about things like common sense, financial sense, intellect, independent thought, grasp on reality, and many many more!This site will be a big hit.Agreed, everyone on that site falls into the same basic categories:

    -Upper-middle class
    -Prone to Cult-like Devotion
    -Lacks common reasoning abilities such as "I can get the same hardware at half the price and it will still do everything I need it to do if I just don't buy Apple"

    Yep, if I was single that would definately be the site to double-check. "Hmm, you're posted on Chemistry AND Cupidtino, no thanks."
  • kriswitak
    Oh man. I'm totally going to troll the ish out this site. Fake profiles ftw?