Hands On with PlayStation 3

Sony’s PlayStation 3 launched tonight at midnight in North America.

Sony’s PlayStation 3 launched tonight at midnight in North America.

An early image of the PlayStation 3 (notice the oddly-shaped controller).

An early image of the PlayStation 3 (notice the oddly-shaped controller).

Ken Kutaragi, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, shows off the PS3.

Ken Kutaragi, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, shows off the PS3.

Phil Harrison, corporate executive at Sony Computer Entertainment, has been an instrumental figure in the development, marketing and demonstration of the PS3.

Phil Harrison, corporate executive at Sony Computer Entertainment, has been an instrumental figure in the development, marketing and demonstration of the PS3.

We examined Ridge Racer 7 on the PS3 using the console’s SIXAXIS motion-sensor controller.

We examined Ridge Racer 7 on the PS3 using the console’s SIXAXIS motion-sensor controller.

At E3 2006, Sony showed off PS3 several games at its booth, including Warhawk and Resistance: Fall of Man.

At E3 2006, Sony showed off PS3 several games at its booth, including Warhawk and Resistance : Fall of Man.

At E3 2006, TwitchGuru tested the PS3’s SIXAXIS controller on Warhawk. The resulting experience was entertaining but far from revolutionary.

At E3 2006, TwitchGuru tested the PS3’s SIXAXIS controller on Warhawk. The resulting experience was entertaining but far from revolutionary.

Resistance: Fall of Man has emerged as one of the most anticipated PS3 launch titles.

Resistance : Fall of Man has emerged as one of the most anticipated PS3 launch titles.

More than 100 gamers lined up outside of a Best Buy in Los Angeles Wednesday night, eagerly anticipating the midnight PS3 launch for Thursday.

More than 100 gamers lined up outside of a Best Buy in Los Angeles Wednesday night, eagerly anticipating the midnight PS3 launch for Thursday.

PS3 fans were not allowed to wait in line on Best Buy property, so they moved on to a public sidewalk nearby the entrance and organized their own line.

PS3 fans were not allowed to wait in line on Best Buy property, so they moved on to a public sidewalk nearby the entrance and organized their own line.

Hundreds of people are lining up at Best Buy and other retailers across the country, even though most stores are only guaranteeing around 20 or so PS3’s for tonight’s launch.

Hundreds of people are lining up at Best Buy and other retailers across the country, even though most stores are only guaranteeing around 20 or so PS3’s for tonight’s launch.