GoDaddy Stops Registering Domains in China

The Washington Post reports that GoDaddy today informed lawmakers that it would no longer be registering domain names in China because of new rules that require applicants to submit extensive amounts of personal information.

The company said it believes the new rules, which include the requirement that applicants submit photos of themselves, are a bid to increase the level of surveillance of content on Web sites. According to the Washington Post, GoDaddy believes the rules could put its customers at risk and is wary of the "chilling effect" it could have on new registrations.

The news comes after Google's decision to leave China and on the heels of rumors that Dell is contemplating relocating its Chinese operations 

Read more about GoDaddy's move here.

  • Shadow703793
    Well good job. Now I wonder if Dell,et al would also move out to India or some where else....
  • curnel_D
    China is in the game of pissing everyone off, aren't they?
  • chickenhoagie
    hell yes. Finally people are fighting against one of the last standing communist giants in this world. Come on China, Communism is caveman government. Govern like you're in the 21st century.
  • nekatreven
    Wow, I'm not sure if this is a game of me too or just interesting timing! However, I've also yet to see actual major action from any of these companies; even google is still giving updates on what is working in China...

    Can't wait to see if this is all talk or a damaging blow to their ideas that you can be as anal retentive and overly-controlling of people as you want and nothing bad will happen to you.
  • mister g
    For one there's socialism which is supposed to be a mix of that and capitalism. Back to the point isn't Russia trying to do this to cut down on spam coming from itself?
  • bison88
    Everybody's got balls now that Google stepped into the Political fray. :facepalm:
  • maigo
    China didn't have a problem with internet before they had internet
  • babybeluga
    China is going to call in the U.S.'s debts and destroy our economy if all these companies keep prodding them...
  • curnel_D
    babybelugaChina is going to call in the U.S.'s debts and destroy our economy if all these companies keep prodding them...If China destroys the US economy, they destroy their own. They're tied to us, no matter how much they make it seem different, and how much they'd wish it different.
  • brendano257
    mister gFor one there's socialism which is supposed to be a mix of that and capitalism. Back to the point isn't Russia trying to do this to cut down on spam coming from itself?
    Although there economic system is becoming more socialist/capitalist, their government is very Communist in nature, just look at their crack downs on out speakers and freedom activists....not that we'd hear about them if they existed anymore....