Blizzard Making World of Warcraft Magazine

While newspapers are desperately trying to figure out a way to make money online, Blizzard is taking its hugely successful and world famous MMORPG, World of Warcraft, to the printing press. With 11.5 million online subscribers, Blizzard is hoping some of those users will be interested in a quarterly title, which the company will be unveiling at this weekend's BlizzCon.

With editions in English, French, German and Spanish, the publication will be sold via subscription only through World of Warcraft Account Management or from the magazines official site. The magazine is available as a one or two-year subscription, pricing for one year is $39.95 in the U.S. and 34.95 EUR or 29.95 GBP in Europe -- two-year subscription packages cost $69.95 in the U.S., 61.25 EUR or 52.50 GBP.

The first issue will be 148-pages long and will focus on the five-year anniversary of the game. Anyone interested in purchasing? The website for the mag is set to go live on Friday so if you're just itching to subscribe, add to your bookmarks.

  • pullmyfinger123
    even though I quit WoW long time ago, i think this is a brilliant idea, of course, i just hope blizzard doens't make this magazine a walk-through of the game, instead focus on the players and the stories of the game
  • billin30
    Now the WoW nerds will have something to read while they fly from place to place...this is just kinda sad and a shameless money grab
  • billin30
    Now the WoW nerds will have something to read while they fly from place to place, not to mention a shameless money grab by sad
  • captaincharisma
    this is a good move, now the wow addicts may actually go outdoors once in a while to buy the magazine
  • Who the heck has time to read when there is WoW to be played?!
  • valcron
    Why would I buy a magazine for the game. What kind of information are they going to cover that I can not find on any fan site out there. MMO-Champion, World of Raids, etc. Just an attempt to capitalize on their game. (I give them full credit its a smart move) But I really don't see the use for it and no I will not subscribe to it.
  • cekasone
    I already find it a pain to pay for the monthly subscription to play the game in the first place.
  • Impulse Fire911
    LOL WoW will soon be in the dictionary.
  • thepetey
    captaincharismathis is a good move, now the wow addicts may actually go outdoors once in a while to buy the magazine
    it will get delivered to their door, even blizzard knows they wont leave their house!
  • tayb
    Will there be pictures of blood elves for the 30 year old virgins to check out?