Rumor: Amazon to Release Three New Kindles This Fall

It seems like it was only a few months ago that Amazon announced new versions of the Kindle and the 7-inch Kindle Fire as well as its brand new Kindle Paperwhite, but that was September of last year. As you may or may not have noticed, September is just around the corner, and apparently we're going to see a few new Kindles this year as well.

BGR reports that Amazon is planning a complete overhaul for its Kindle Fire line of tablets and cites unnamed sources that say Amazon will launch at least three new Kindle Fire tablets. First of these will be a new 7-inch Kindle Fire with a higher resolution display (1,280 x 800 as opposed to 1024 x 600), as well as a brand new Kindle Fire HD with a higher resolution 7-inch display than the current model (up to 1,920 x 1,200 from 1,280 x 800). Not to get left behind, the 8.9-inch Kindle Fire will also be treated to a higher resolution display, as Amazon is rumored to be bumping the pixel count from 1,920 x 1,200 pixels to 2,560 x 1,600. Yowza.

Displays aside, the tablets will be lighter, and the buttons are going to move around to the back of the device. Thanks to a new sloping design, these buttons will be positioned in such a way that they won't be accidentally pressed if the kindle is placed on a desk to table. No word on whether these upgrades will have any impact on the prices of the device, but fingers crossed it won't.

  • Hando567
    Props to Amazon for sticking with 16:10 in their new displays. Much prefer having the extra vertical space when using a device in landscape mode. Hard to even find computer monitors in 16:10 anymore for a decent price.
  • alextheblue
    I really like the Kindle Paperwhite. I hope that E Ink gets their act together when it comes to color e-ink displays. If they get to the point where color variants are as reliable and affordable as their current monochrome displays, I'm sure Amazon will release a Paperwhite Color. Then I could use it for not only books, but comics/manga as well! :D

    Plus it'd be great for illustrated children's books, and the display is much gentler on the eyes than LCD/LED.

    Edit: I know E Ink has "Triton" color e-ink but from what I've read it isn't ready for primetime and is in need of serious work.
  • rwinches
    Hopefully bigger batteries and faster Soc's to handle the new displays. How about a keyboard/cover? or keyboard/cover/battery?
  • DSpider
    I seriously doubt that they will release colour e-Ink readers...

    Probably just the "Fire" tablets and an improved Paperwhite with a better resolution (to match the Aura HD) and better lighting (without the shadows at the bottom of the screen that all current revisions seem to have).
  • DSpider
    Also, the title should probably read: "Rumor: Amazon to Release Three New Kindle Fire Tablets This Fall".

    Personally I don't really care about Amazon's tablets (just like I don't care about the Nook tablets).