Gates Talks About Google's Chrome OS

Earlier in the week in an interview with CNet, Gates said that Natal would be for more than just gaming. However, he also spoke about the Chrome OS and said that, without more details, it was hard to make an informed decision. "The more vague they are, the more interesting it is," he said, according to CNet.

That said, Gates did reiterate a point many of you have been making over the last two weeks: the Google OS is just another dressed up Linux OS. "There's many, many forms of Linux operating systems out there and packaged in different ways and booted in different ways," the Microsoft Chairman said.

All in all it seems both Gates and Ballmer are not worried about the Chrome OS. Do you think they're right to brush off competition so flippantly? Let us know in the comments below!

  • omnimodis78
    What competition? Google is doing this simply because it can not because it should... Windows, in it's many incarnations, is going to be "it" for a long time.
  • If Chrome is even half as good as Windows Me I think ol' MS will have something to worry about. I love Windows Me bu competition is good nonetheless.
  • Google is becoming Microsoft of the 90's...believing it's unbeatable in any market.

    One day, they'll wake up and realize people dislike them as much as they dislike(d)'s inevitable.
  • doomtomb
    The Google Chrome OS is exactly as they put it: another iteration of Linux. While making the argument that Windows is something "different" is hard to do because it is everywhere, still, you don't see other OSs that similar to Windows, probably because it is closed source.
  • ZyxMEvEuuxcZ
    Google Chrome browser just another Firefox browser only without Adblock
  • windows me? wtf?
  • tenor77
    As everybody says, competition is great, but this is a dressed up version of Linux.

    As long as developers do not (by and large) support the OS, Windows will be king.
  • pocketdrummer
    ZyxMEvEuuxcZGoogle Chrome browser just another Firefox browser only without Adblock
    We're talking about an OS here, not a browser.
  • pocketdrummer
    windowsmeloverIf Chrome is even half as good as Windows Me I think ol' MS will have something to worry about. I love Windows Me bu competition is good nonetheless.
    You LIKE Windows ME!? My god man, try XP at the least!

    ME was the biggest mistake Microsoft ever made.... aside from Vista. I really hope Win7 doesn't suck
  • zak_mckraken
    windowsmeloverIf Chrome is even half as good as Windows Me I think ol' MS will have something to worry about. I love Windows Me bu competition is good nonetheless.
    We all loved Windows ME for it was probably the best OS ever made by man. Stable, secure, user-friendly, not a single BSOD... But it's over now, you'll have to accept it someday.