Foxconn Says iPhone 5 Will Put Galaxy S III to Shame

Samsung is this week preparing for the North American launch of its much anticipated Galaxy S III smartphone and the company's marketing department is working overtime to spread the word about its newest flagship device. However, it seems the maker of the iPhone is eager to remind potential Galaxy S III buyers what they might miss out on should they decide to buy Samsung in the near future.

Despite the fact that Apple has yet to confirm the existence of the iPhone 5, Terry Gou, Chairman of Hon Hai Precision (parent company of Foxconn), says the next iPhone will put the Galaxy S III to shame. Word comes from a Focus Taiwan story that covers Hon Hai's newest deal with Japan's Sharp Corp. Gou said that this deal with Sharp will allow Hon Hai to beat rival Samsung within three to five years.

Gou didn't mention anything else about the iPhone 5, and considering it's his company that makes the phone, we all know what's in it for him if people hold off on the GSIII to wait for the new iPhone. However, it is the first official word we've gotten regarding the iPhone 5's existence. Rumored to be making an appearance later this year, Apple's latest version of iOS is also scheduled to launch in the fall.

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  • Marco925
    by the time the iphone 5(i still think it'll be called the iphone 6) comes out, the samsung Galaxy S IV will be half-complete. thus continuing the perpetual performance war.
  • nebun
    can't wait...i am so tired of waiting for my ICS's a shame
  • gshauger
    Yet I still won't buy the latest Apple garbage
  • whiteodian
    Competition is good for the consumer, but come on, this is just idle talk. Where are the specs to back it up? I don't see how their yearly upgrades have ever really put anything to shame.
  • amdwilliam1985
    Samsung Galaxy s4 will put iPhone 5/6 to shame.

    Seriously, I can't see how iPhone 5 or 6 can ever come close to sgs3.
    3.99 inches versus 4.8 inches. Don't tell me about iOS versus Android, they're both great, it's just a taste of preference. I used both, and they both have great and pain points.

    I hope Apple will keep the 3.5 inches so that they can stick to the idea that they got the magically size. Any increase in the screen size will prone Android/wp7 users to scream copy cat. Then again, if they don't increase the size, I won't even consider it, even my baby brother thinks it's too small. Very hard decision for Apple to make.
  • merikafyeah
    Sure, like how Tom's Hardware journalism puts everyone else to shame right?
  • Prey
    Couldn't then the Galaxy S4 put the iPhone 5 to shame. I think foxconn should focus on the workers making the iPhone 5 and not what it may or may not do.
  • v3nom777
    Yeah, I'm going to wait for WP8 and a lineup of Windows Tablets, thanks though.
  • jcurry23
    after that statement probably 10 people from Foxconn jumped off the roof.
  • aqualipt
    i would love to see that, seriusly, because that will only mean that we (The consumers) are getting a better phone so, yeah, i hope the iphone 5 puts the GS3 to shame, although that will be hard.