Halo 4 Will Have Microsoft Surface Support

Yesterday, at Venturebeat's GamesBeat 2012, Microsoft's President of Interactive Entertainment Business Don Mattrick announced that Halo 4 would support the new Surface tablet.

Sadly, that's all Mattrick had to say on the matter. He didn't specify how the game would support the Surface, but we think it's a safe bet that it has something to do with Xbox Smartglass, which was announced at E3 this year.

Microsoft trotted out SmartGlass as its competitor against Nintendo's Wii U's dual-screen functionality. With SmartGlass, Xbox users could link whatever was going on, on their Xbox to their tablet.

Stay tuned. We'll give you more on Halo 4 and Microsoft Surface whenever more information is available.

Halo 4 will be hitting Xbox 360 on November 6, 2012.

  • thefiend1
    Meh, not really interested in using a tablet in conjunction with playing games. Im not sure I would ever consider using that combination - no matter what the consol.
  • itchyisvegeta
    If this is done right, they could do some amazing things. I think Mouse and Keyboard support option for games, even though a console, would be a huge plus. If Mario Paint can do it, the 360 can.
  • jaquith
    Oh crap I broke the glass!
  • joytech22
    Hmm not sure what to make of this.

    I would have jumped with joy if they said Halo 4 was supported on Windows.
    Not if they pulled the same sh** they did with Halo 2 and Vista though.
  • djscribbles
    JaquithOh crap I broke the glass!
    I dare say you are barely scratching the surface...
  • bison88
    Since both the X-Box and Surface are Microsoft products themselves and not some third-party device that uses there technology, it has a tremendous ability to do things that consoles have lacked, as itchyisvegeta said, if done right.
  • blackjackcf
    thefiend1Meh, not really interested in using a tablet in conjunction with playing games. Im not sure I would ever consider using that combination - no matter what the consol.
    I'm actually interested in how Microsoft expects me to be able to hold a gamepad and a tablet at the same time. :P

    - Catherine Cai
  • Camikazi
    blackjackcfI'm actually interested in how Microsoft expects me to be able to hold a gamepad and a tablet at the same time. - Catherine CaiWell that little stand in the picture seems very useful for that purpose.
    Microsoft seems to have a trend here. Every other release sucks. Windows 6 and 8, Halo 2, and now maybe Halo 4? I don't know if I like the sound of Surface support for Halo 4. Might be a bit much for a classic.
  • Shin-san
    That's the kind of crap I hated when Sony added PSP features to the PS3 and Nintendo did Gameboy features with the GC