Lumia 1020 Hitting the UK No Later Than September

Nokia finally unveiled the Lumia 1020 last Thursday at a special event in New York City. The company revealed that the device would be available in the United States on July 26. However, the Finnish company neglected to mention anything about UK availability. On Monday, it emerged that the UK would be getting the phone, but it may not be for a while.


According to Crave, Nokia has confirmed that the UK will be getting the Lumia 1020 sometime in the third quarter, which means no later than September. Retailer Carphone Warehouse currently has the phone listed on its 'coming soon' page but has not yet offered a specific release date. 

The Lumia 1020 features a 1.5 GHz dual core Snapdragon S4, which is backed up with 32 GB of internal storage (non-expandable) and 7GB of SkyDrive storage courtesy of Microsoft, as well as 4G LTE support. Of course, it's got that all important 41 MP camera as well as a 1.2 MP front-facing camera. The phone sports a 4.5-inch AMOLED Puremotion display with a resolution of 1,280x768 pixels.

  • SchizoFrog
    I was excited about the 1020... Until they launched it. I'll wait for the 'sure-to-be-coming' next top of the line Nokia, when it looks like the 925, has the camera from the 1020 and the updated hardware specs of the GDR3 update. I am in no hurry to rush out and get a phone that isn't exactly what I want.
  • HyperionLight
    11166440 said:
    I was excited about the 1020... Until they launched it. I'll wait for the 'sure-to-be-coming' next top of the line Nokia, when it looks like the 925, has the camera from the 1020 and the updated hardware specs of the GDR3 update. I am in no hurry to rush out and get a phone that isn't exactly what I want.

    There are rumors about a 6” phablet called “Bendit” being unveiled in September sporting a lytro camera, solar charging, being dust/waterproof and some other stuff still to be disclosed. And yeah those are only rumors, but so was EOS…
  • g-unit1111
    It looks like that weird Samsung Galaxy camera without the huge lens.
  • SchizoFrog
    g-unit1111, That comment is like saying Princess Leia looks like Chewbacca.
  • nevilence
    I wonder at the quality of the camera, lots of pixels doesnt always mean better, in fact my current xt910 takes dodgy photos with its 8MP camera, where as my old n95 took great photos at only 5MP
  • rexter
    Nokia with no external storage with so much Mega pixel camera. I guess I don't need to worry about it much because it doesn't support my provider's signal anyway.
  • K2N hater
    A few hits, misses and expectations:

    HIT - 41MP sensor with OIS and all the tricks that make Samsung engineers green of envy and also makes the iPhone 5 camera look rather cheap;
    HIT - video recording seems simply brilliant and much improved in comparison to the 808 PV;
    HIT - 3G and LTE support is broad enough to say it's trouble-free to travelers;
    HIT - 2GB RAM must give some silky smooth browsing performance for the Windows Phone OS;
    HIT - Expecting Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat to be free of charge, matching the 808;
    HIT - Expecting the audio output to be by far the cleanest among Lumias, with decent volume as well;
    MISS - MicroSDHC / MicroSDXC slot will be sorely missed as 32GB storage is by no means sufficient for multiple media storage + video recording;
    MISS - Battery not user-replaceable;
    MISS - Video player should support more formats (MKV for instance) and subtitles - both supported in the 808 - to put the much improved display into good use;
    MISS - According to the reviews colour accuracy of the photos is not as natural as on the 808;
    MISS - No video calls for now but expecting the Skype team to enable it someday (a rip off for the 808 as well).