StarCraft II Beta Extended until June 7

It may feel like forever until July 27 but there's good news for those of you taking part in the StarCraft II beta: Blizzard is extending the current phase for an extra week. That means seven more days before the beta shuts down for an unspecified amount of time to prepare for the last stage of testing.

Blizzard poster Nethaera announced via the forums that the current phase of the beta has been extended until Monday, June 7. He went on to say that in order to prepare for the final phase of testing, after June 7, the beta will be unavailable for several weeks while they make some changes to the hardware and software configurations.

The game will be back online for around two weeks prior to the launch on July 27. Full statement is below.

"We previously announced that the first phase of the StarCraft II beta test would be coming to a close in all regions on Monday, May 31. In order to prepare for the final phase of beta testing, we plan to extend the current phase in all regions until Monday, June 7. After this date, the beta test will be unavailable for several weeks while we make some hardware and software configuration changes for the final phase of the beta test and the release of the game. We plan to bring the beta test back online for a couple of weeks prior to the game’s launch to complete our testing. We’ll have more details to share about when this final phase will begin at a later date. We’d like to thank all of our beta-test participants for your enthusiasm, dedication, and valuable feedback during the beta test, and we look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the StarCraft II beta test as the game’s July 27 launch approaches."

  • yay!
  • joytech22
    Iv'e never played starcraft but iv'e heard its one of the best games around, one day if possible i'll grab a copy of the original!
  • Godfail
    joytech22Iv'e never played starcraft but iv'e heard its one of the best games around, one day if possible i'll grab a copy of the original!
    Collector's edition of SC2 comes with SC1 on a USB flash drive.
  • sicpric
    Starcraft 2 has taken over my life in the past few weeks; such a great game! I just hope Wings of Liberty keeps me occupied until Swarm of the Brood comes out!
  • jazn1337
    They've only extended it because 2.0 is currently a failure.
  • < more about sc2, read it carefully :) imo the game will probably be killed by the greed
  • seboj
    jazn1337They've only extended it because 2.0 is currently a failure.
    This. Exactly.
  • starcraft 2 gameplay is amazing, but the corporation, after being taken over by activision, is making the game a money drain. Not to mention battlenet 2.0 is failing hardcore.
  • kartu
    I am fan of SC1 but what I've seen on SC2 doesn't seem too exciting.
    And paying 180Euros for 3 campaigns doesn't feel quite right.
  • dEAne
    I been playing Starcraft 1 for a long time; such a great game! I just hope Starcraft 2 will do the same - but they should fix battlenet 2.0