Would You Switch to Bing for $3 to a Good Cause?

Google has become the standard search engine of choice around the world, but it's not the only one in the game. Microsoft's Bing is a fine alternative, but getting people to switch is hard. Would you switch your search engine if Microsoft were to donate $3 to schools in need?

Microsoft has created Search With Purpose, a page that will add Bing as a search provider in Firefox and IE (though the whole donation process will work with Chrome and Safari too) and send you a $3 donation code for you to enter in yourself.

The page notes "Bing will donate up to $100,000 in $3 donation codes during the promotion. Donation codes may only be used at DonorsChoose.org and expire on August 31, 2010." Nevertheless, it's to a good cause and you don't really have to be committed to Bing if you find Google is still a better fit for your internet needs.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Ragnar-Kon
    Nice PR stunt to get people to use Bing and get rep for your company.

    But this PR stunt helps people who need it, so I'll jump on the bandwagon, for a little while anyway.
  • polly the parrot
    I did it, but I thought it was ironic when I sent the donation code to my Gmail address :P
  • rohitbaran
    Well, I will do it. Just for the kids' sake.
  • garry__
    You should all do this.
  • Tamz_msc
    I think that any good-hearted fellow should do it.
  • smithereen
    OF course.
  • makwy2
    Really no reason to not do this! Do it for the kids.
  • outacontrolpimp
    I'll do it. I don't use Firefox or IE anyways.
  • teeebs
    What the hell is a "bing".....:S

    But seriously, they must be pretty hard up for customer to have to resort to something like this....hmmm.
  • bebangs
    I would, then switch back to google after the donation. ^_^