Modern Warfare 2 to Feature Cameo by 50 Cent

50 Cent is no stranger to video games, after all, he has starred in two of his own. He'll be back this fall in what will surely be one of the biggest titles of the year in Modern Warfare 2.

50 Cent visited Infinity Ward, developer to Modern Warfare, and it was later revealed that the rapper will be "one of the squad voices in Multiplayer / Spec Ops," and it seems he won't be the only one.

Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward's director of communications, told Kotaku that 50 Cent is just one of the many casual voice cameos that'll appear in Modern Warfare 2.

Any guesses at who would be the other ones? My bets are on Carrot Top.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • theholylancer
    Can we get some real heros from Iraq/Afghanistan to voice this instead of wana-be gangsters?
  • flightmare
    Hope it's voice over only.
  • taiso
    man that was close, it's just voice 'acting'! for a second i thought they meant he was gonna be featured in the game as a character......that would have killed it for sure.
  • gimpy1
    I heard that Gilbert Godfrey will take over the voice of Capt. Price.
  • Kaiser_25
    Dear God why...? I dislike cheap gimmicks like this, Modern Warfare doesnt need this...
  • kaby
    I am glad I did not preorder this. Infinity Ward lost a faithful customer for this title.
  • Hovaucf
    People will complain about anything, IW is using someone's voice who they dislike and now the game is awful. The game is going to be awesome and I bet that if they had not mentioned this you wouldnt have had two thoughts about who's voices are being used in game.
  • goodbird
    kaby, your stupid. Disliking a game because of this? yeah your one of those people that overboard for everything. grow up
  • Hanin33
    hovaucf: if it's anything like the annoying voices in BF2.. they'll just disable it anyway... that constant chatter annoyed the hell out of me... tho i'm the type that disables all music and extraneous noises anyway... just the noise that's pertinent to the battle. can't hear someone creeping up on me with some douche yelling, 'give in to the swarm!' ;)
  • Hanin33
    oh.. and come on.. how many of you haters wouldn't have welcomed a chance to send 50 to the digital grave repeatedly? i would have relished in finding new and more horrific ways of dismembering him!