Crytek to Launch Arena of Fate This Summer

Image: Crytek

Crytek next game will be Arena of Fate. Slated for the PC and consoles this summer, this new title will consist of "fast-paced" 5 versus 5 online battles, and a huge roster of legendary heroes/villains pulled from history and fantasy such as Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper and Baron Münchhausen. The website also shows Robin Hood, Tesla, Joan of Arc and Little Red Riding Hood.

"Tap into their famed traits in battle as you bring Frankenstein back from the dead, use Jack's cleavers to gruesome effect, and launch across the map on Baron Münchhausen's cannonball!" reads the announcement.

Developing the game is Crytek's Sofia studio, which was originally Black Sea Studios before it was acquired by Crytek back in 2008. Founded in 2001, Black Sea Studios produced the real-time strategy game Knights of Honor and the sci-fi online RTS/RPG hybrid, WorldShift. 

"When the action gets underway in the arena, you'll discover a fast-paced combat experience that is instantly accessible for newcomers but deep enough to captivate veteran campaigners too," states the website. "With multiple ways to chalk up points across the battlefield, you and your friends will find yourselves in engrossing battles where every second counts, and everyone has a part to play in claiming victory."

The game will be made playable during E3 2014 next month. However, Crytek will open the doors to an Early Access Beta on the PC this summer. To enter, simply head here. You'll need a GFACE account to access the beta, so it seems.