Valve CEO Gabe Newell Teases Linux Steam Box

Valve CEO Gabe Newell has said that Linux is the future of gaming. Newell was speaking at LinuxCon, a Linux event run by the Linux Foundation and sponsored by Intel, IBM, Citrix, Qualcomm, Samsung, LSI, HP, and Suse as a keynote speaker and discussed the topic of Linux and gaming. A prominent figure in the PC gaming industry, Newell's company, Valve, released its Steam for Linux client in February of this year.

"It feels a bit funny coming here and telling you guys that Linux and open source are the future of gaming," Newell began. "Sort of like going to Rome and teaching Catholicism to the pope so bear with me," he added.

Perhaps more interestingly, though, Gabe went on to hint that the company would soon talk more about the opportunities for bringing Linux to the living room. He said we could expect to hear more about those plans next week.

"Actually next week we're going to be rolling out more information about how we get there and what are the hardware opportunities that we see for bringing Linux into the living room, and potentially pointing further down the road to how we can get it even more unified in mobile," he told attendees. 

The Steam Box was rumored to be Xi3 Corp's Piston machine, which we checked out at CES last January. However, Newell has since said Valve plans to offer a number of Steam Boxes, and even told the BBC in March that Steam Box prototypes would be available for testing within four months.
The summer has been here and gone, and we haven't seen any hardware. Will that change next week? Let's hope so!

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • back_by_demand
  • toddybody
    Gaming is the ONLY thing keeping me tethered to Windows. I would be over the moon to give MS the finger and move towards a more secure, open standard OS.
  • knightmike
    Game Newell huh? Why not?
  • damianrobertjones
    "Valve CEO Gabe Newell has said that Linux is the future of gaming" - Did he announce this before he knew about the Windows 8 store or after? Oh yeah, after. It's funny as Windows has been his cake and he's obviously annoyed at MS.

    P.s. @toddybody: "I would be over the moon to give MS the finger and move towards a more secure, open standard OS. " - I bet you're running Windows as full administrator. I'm amused when people complain about windows not being secure you run it WIDE open. Please, please, run as a standard user and see how safe it is!
  • Murissokah
    While this is something to look foward to, one has to wonder how much of it is actually true. If you work for the largest gaming distribution company and that company is trying to expand into Linux, it is expected that you should create some fuss about it.

    Don't get me wrong, Linux gaming would be heaven, but we have to be realistic and keep in mind that current major game engines work with proprietary Microsoft libraries and even hardware manufacturers design video cards for them. It would require a complete change in scenario.

    Anyway, a slap in Microsoft's face is welcome, they need to get out of the comfort zone and realise they can't take their main business for granted.
  • Narrator
    I have always been open to see new operating systems enter the fray. I currently use windows 8 and I dont have many complaints. However, I would not mind giving another OS a try, Especially when it comes to gamng.

    With that being Said, Make room for the Fanboys cause this might get ugly!!!
  • Lutfij
    Yeah the article's great...with Game Newell. I had a good laugh at the horrendous proof reading going on.
  • Cy-Kill
    Oh my, would you look at that, Tom's finally putting out an article around the same time as everyone else, instead of days up to a week later!
  • Narrator
    11558503 said:
    Ultimately, Steam Box will be an utter failure...just like Chromebook was a failure. An "open source" operating system sounds exciting and supposedly promises so many things. LINUX is very powerful, I will admit that. However, it takes much more than just having a no cost powerful OS to drive things. Ultimately, a company needs to provide 100% reliable support. 3rd party driver updates are also always an issue. Less than 1% of all PC gamers use LINUX, so no, Steam Box is not the answer - even as a dedicated gaming console. I would like to see Steam eat their shoe; go ahead STEAM - drop PC and support only LINUX gaming systems and we'll see just how long your company survives when you lose 99% of your profit overnight... That's right. It isn't going to happen. Steam will suck it up and continue to do what they have been doing, and have been doing very well - providing an excellent and reliable WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM GAMING PLATFORM. Nuff said!

    I did not see where they mentioned dropping Windows, or did I miss something? Anyway, that of course would be a very bad choice. I think they are just trying to "put their eggs in more than one basket".

  • IAmVortigaunt
    "Anyway, a slap in Microsoft's face is welcome, they need to get out of the comfort zone and realise they can't take their main business for granted. "

    Let me tell you, PC gamers are not their main business...