Jade Raymond Heads To EA, Opens Motive Studios, Will Also Oversee Visceral Games

After a 10-year tenure with Ubisoft, Jade Raymond is joining Electronic Arts with her own development company, Motive Studios, which will be based in Montreal.

Right out of the gate, Raymond stated that Motive is already poised to work with two big-profile divisions at EA. Working out of Montreal means that Motive will be collaborating with the team at Bioware, which is currently working on the next chapter of the Mass Effect series, titled Mass Effect: Andromeda. She will also be working with Amy Hennig (whose notable work at Naughty Dog included the Jak and Daxter and Uncharted series) on EA's untitled Star Wars game.

In addition to building the team at Motive, Raymond will also take charge of EA's Visceral Games in Redwood Shores, California. Visceral Games was well-known for the Dead Space series and recently collaborated with EA's other development company, DICE, to make Battlefield: Hardline.

Raymond's time at Ubisoft saw her in a leadership role for some of the company's biggest titles. She started as a producer on Assassin's Creed and then became an executive producer for Assassin's Creed II, Watch Dogs and Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

For now, it seems that Motive will be focused on helping out EA's other development teams. However, there's opportunity for Raymond and her team to explore new IPs and perhaps even take the reins on the next installment on one of the company's long-running franchises.

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  • 3ogdy
    Having seen the games she's been executive producer for, I can only hope she'd be in charge of Underground 3.
  • cats_Paw
    EA and UBIsoft, hard to get exited.