Nintendo's Mario Kart 8 Sells 1.2 Million in One Weekend

Nintendo's Wii U sales have been flat lining almost since the console was launched. It seems like the latest Mario Kart, the eighth in the series, is helping bolster the Wii U's numbers. Mario Kart 8 has sold 1.2 million copies worldwide from its launch period of Thursday, May 29 to Sunday, June 1.

It's not surprising that Mario Kart 8 has managed to sell so well. According to Nintendo, the Mario Kart series, prior to 8, have already sold over 100 million copies. Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Wii were pulling most of the weight, selling 23.56 million and 35.53 million units each, respectively.

Nintendo has yet to release new Wii U sales figures, but it's likely that in the coming weeks Nintendo will show something, especially with how quickly Mario Kart 8 is moving units. Hopefully, the new Super Smash Bros, which will be releasing sometime this year, will have a similar effect on Nintendo's dud console.

Follow Catherine Cai @catherinetcai. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • DarkSable
    If I were to buy a console, it would more than likely be the Wii U, for smash bros and mario kart, and some of the old-school games.

    The more "serious" consoles don't appeal because my gaming PC outclasses them by far... but a Wii is just, well... fun.
  • hrhuffnpuff
    I am waiting for Metroid for the U. Almost vaporware status. Like HL3 or an appropriate sequel to Unreal (not the Tournament).
  • palladin9479
    The big movers for Nintendo consoles has always been Zelda, Metroid and Mario.
  • Darkk
    Mario Kart always been my favorite ever since the N64 days.
  • DRosencraft
    This is definitely the modern path for Nintendo. Every console has always had certain games and certain series that net them a ton, relative to the other series on the system. But the movement and sale of other series pads things out bank account wise. For Nintendo right now there is very little padding. Nintendo is living on the success of its major franchises. The company seems to almost go to sleep or disappear when they aren't putting out a Mario or Zelda or Pokemon. I don't know how long they'll stick around if things keep on like this, but so far they're managing to hang on.
  • DrBackwater
    When ever I pop into a computer store and they have Mario kart 8 running im like:

    Woah, that's gorgeous what's it on, lol must buy it.

  • airborne11b
    PC and Wii U go together great. When you want to dig into an ultra competitive shooter, MOBA, or RTS you just have to do it on the PC. If you wanna play a really good RPG, modded games like Skyrim are second to none on the PC. If you want to play the lastest MMO the way it's meant to be played, PC all the way.

    But when you got friends or family over and want to gather around and have a blast, the Wii U is the perfect system to do it on. 4 player Mario Kart 8, 4 player Mario U, 4 player Smash brothers... there's nothing better than that.

    Then you also get all the Nintendo exclusives that don't really have PC or other console equals, like Zelda and Metroid games.... it's an easy choice to make, especially since the price on the Wii U is near nothing lol.
  • DrBackwater
    13438469 said:
    PC and Wii U go together great. When you want to dig into an ultra competitive shooter, MOBA, or RTS you just have to do it on the PC. If you wanna play a really good RPG, modded games like Skyrim are second to none on the PC. If you want to play the lastest MMO the way it's meant to be played, PC all the way.

    But when you got friends or family over and want to gather around and have a blast, the Wii U is the perfect system to do it on. 4 player Mario Kart 8, 4 player Mario U, 4 player Smash brothers... there's nothing better than that.

    Then you also get all the Nintendo exclusives that don't really have PC or other console equals, like Zelda and Metroid games.... it's an easy choice to make, especially since the price on the Wii U is near nothing lol.

    Nintendos for nostalgia and family party, and HORRROR.
    Sony's for great narrative and RPG and car simulators, and fighter games
    The xbox, is black sheep but great for, I dunno really it's a tough one.
    The pc for everything, emulators, the whole entire thing.
  • back_by_demand
    PC gaming FTW
  • icemunk
    I played it at my brothers place on the weekend, and it's so much fun. The game play is great, the graphics are stunning, it's another great incremental step in Mario Kart. I want a Wii U now, just for that game