Raspberry Pi Camera Module Captures Photos of the Moon

Raspberry Pi
(Image credit: MrAjAnderson)

Dipping your toes into the world of astrophotography doesn't require high-cost cameras or fancy equipment. Maker MrAjAnderson's incredible project shows us the potential of several Raspberry Pi camera modules and how they can capture stellar images of space.

This isn't the first Raspberry Pi astrophotography rig we've covered—this Pi-powered space camera uses the HQ camera module. That said, the best Raspberry Pi projects push the limits, and this one proves you don't need much more than a standard camera module to take quality pictures of the moon.

The rig supports the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V1.3 and houses it inside a custom 3D-printed shell. It's also designed to support the Camera Module V2, as well as the HQ Camera.

The cameras are attached to a Heritage 76 Mini Dobsonian, which features a focuser built using K'NEX toy parts. 

Meanwhile, the camera feeds are hosted using RPi Cam Web Interface from Elinux, but MrAjAnderson is looking for a new GUI optimized for quickly adjusting settings between the cameras. 

According to MrAjAnderson, no lenses or filters were used to capture the images shown, only the Camera Module V1.3 and Mini Dobsonian.

If you want to see this project up close, check out the original Reddit thread and be sure to follow MrAjAnderson for more updates to this cool Raspberry Pi project.

Ash Hill
Contributing Writer

Ash Hill is a contributing writer for Tom's Hardware with a wealth of experience in the hobby electronics, 3D printing and PCs. She manages the Pi projects of the month and much of our daily Raspberry Pi reporting while also finding the best coupons and deals on all tech.

  • MRAJAnderson
    To clarify, that's a Skywatcher Classic 250P in the article. The Heritage 76 is a desktop Dobsonian. Pics on Twitter @MRAJAnderson of the setup.