ICD Nvidia Tegra 2 Tablet Beats iPad Hands Down

With all this iPad talk, you'd think Apple was the first company to ever launch a tablet. However, despite all the hype, the iPad is causing problems for some people, and it's also lacking a little in the features department. No webcam, the same (or very similar) processor and graphics as the iPhone 3GS (albeit clocked to 1GHz).

Engadget is carrying details of a tablet from ICD called the Gemini. With a 3G connection that allows for voice calls, it already has one aspect of the iPad beat but what else has it got under the hood? A removable 40Wh battery, an SD card reader, FM radio, 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth, MicroUSB connectivity, GPS, stereo speakers, two webcams (2mp on the front and 5mp with autofocus on the back). Running Android, there's a choice of either a capacitive or resistive 1,366 x 768 multitouch display. The most interesting of all is that the device boasts Nvidia's Tegra 2 processor.

Check out the comparison to both the JooJoo and the iPad, courtesy of Engadget.

  • mianmian
    The spec looks great. But tablet things need good contents and apps. Wish android could do well on this one.
  • dman3k
    Tegra2 = best mobile chipset available now

    So I want one...
  • adipose
    wtf is with all the low res jpegs of spec comparisons today?
  • babybeluga
    In other groundbreaking news:

    "Hot stoves have the potential to burn your hand!"
  • johnyeah
    In terms of hardware yes. But what about the content? I.e. Apps, games, etc.
  • skevil
  • ncarlson
    So much more for (most likely) so much less.
  • triculious
    what about prices?
    I'm tempted to buy one of this things in the near future
  • Fibrizo
    I wish i have the money to buy it, its awesome
  • Without a price, all the specs are sort of worthless. It isn't so much about what you are getting, but what you are getting for the money.