AT&T Opens Four New LTE Markets, Covers 160M Consumers

After it added 6 LTE markets (three in the United States and three in Puerto Rico), AT&T has added four further markets in America, with its service now reaching 160 million consumers.

The U.S. carrier has added markets in the following regions: Auburn, Alabama; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Nashua, New Hampshire; and Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. These territories will now all receive LTE coverage.

With these additions, AT&T's LTE service will reach a total of 113 markets with coverage extending to 160 million consumers.

AT&T, who was recently named the worst carrier in the U.S. for the second year running, has a long way to go to level Verizon's coverage reach. By October 18, the latter boasted 417 LTE markets (which has since increased to 441 markets) in the region, offering its service to 250 million consumers.

The firm is investing $14 billion in upgrading its wireless networks, with 4G LTE coverage expected to reach 300 million consumers by the end of 2014.

An infographic of the 4G LTE markets AT&T has invested in thus far can be seen below.

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  • I try to avoid Verizon, T Mobile and Sprint at all cost myself.
  • 10tacle
    I dumped ATT over a year ago and went with the lesser of the two evils for where I live for 4G, Verizon. I never regretted it. I can also say with personal experience certainty that ATT has a lot of incompetent people at the helm from engineering to program management.
  • zedon
    ATT has until March, when I get a new phone, if they don't have LTE in my area by then I'll move to verizon who just added LTE here a couple of months ago.
  • sundragon
    Hi AT&T... Been a customer since 2007 and guess what, please stop spending money in other markets and fix the current sh*tty LTE network - I live in the US capital and LTE is fast, when it shows up... The alternative is Verizon which isn't as fast yet is always on... Sigh

    Sent from my Nexus 7
