Guild Transfer, Rename Services Coming to WoW

Over on the World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard has announced that guild transfer and guild rename services are coming to the popular MMORPG. Although the company didn't specify when these services will actually launch, subscribers should expect to see "bits and pieces" of the guild relocation aspect appear on the public realms while it goes through extensive internal testing.

"We want to give everyone an early heads-up regarding our plan to implement a guild relocation service for World of Warcraft," Blizzard said in this forum sticky. "The idea is for a guild leader to be able to transfer a guild to another realm. The guild structure remains intact, including the guild leader, guild bank, ranks, and guild name (depending on availability)."

Blizzard added that guild members who decide to relocate with their guild may initiate their own paid character transfer. "Upon a successful transfer they will automatically be part of the guild when they first log into the new realm," the company added. "Their guild rank and guild reputation will be intact."

For those guild leaders who don't want a "change of scenery," Blizzard is offering the ability to pick a new name. However, Blizzard didn't specify any additional details, saying that both the guild transfer and guild renaming services are currently in development. That said, additional details will be provided at a later date (BlizzCon 2011?).

"As with all of the features and services we offer, we intend to incorporate the guild relocation service in a way that will not disrupt the game play experience," Blizzard said.

  • southernshark
  • Blizzards way of conning more fools out of their money.
  • duk3
    How much money is it going to cost?
  • Gotta milk it for all its worth, before SWTOR makes WOW obsolete. Go Blizzard!!
  • Gotta milk it for all its worth, before SWTOR makes WOW obsolete. Go Blizzard!!
  • cburke82
    I just want a good LFG option. I dont know why they would wast time on this when a "Looking for Guild" option would make this game much more accessible to new players. If I was just starting it would be nice to be able to pull up a menu of guild looking for more ppl and hit a button informing that guild leader that you are interested. Im not a programmer but it does not seen like a feacher that would be very hard to implement. Just one interface for a guild leader and one for a non guild leader. If your a guild leader and want to switch you have to pass your guild off or disband it and lose the GM status. You could have the GM interface have options to filter incoming requests such as level/race/class. That way the GM would not have 300 requests from players who were not needed/wanted. On the other side the interface could display the guild level and progression. You would just click a button fill in some blanks ( again race/class/level ) and maybe have a section to write a quick explanation of what your looking for in a guild and what type of player you are.
  • -Fran-
    Fix the damn LFG Queues first! xD!

  • mshahin
    duk3How much money is it going to cost?
    I'm thinking they'll have a 10 person fee, and a 25 person guild fee. (just a guess)
  • joytech22
    Blizzard probably came up with this idea that they could charge people to change their name, I hope this isn't the case as other MMO's support changing their name for free (1 change a month).

    People continuously say that other games copy from WoW, but nobody seems to understand that if any specific function exists in one game and another company comes up with a similar idea for theirs, It's not even copying especially since it's so hard to generate new ideas for MMO's without being criticized for copying.

    My point is, this function is already in other MMO's and nobody will label this as copying an idea because it's WoW.
  • WoW is on it way out. At this point a lot of people have stopped playing, dew to bad patch and poor content and yes{quote: Fix the damn LFG Queues first! xD!}That would be a start, but there's too much to fix in wow now and as it has grown over the years so have the bugs and lag. Blizzard will have believe that its at your end.

    I think this {quote Blizzards way of conning more fools out of their money. To be true}