HTC One S Officially Outdated, No Longer Getting Updated

If you read that and thought of the HTC One, you can continue breathing and caressing your new smartphone. In the past, HTC has used the name multiple times, and have in their collection the One X, One XL, One S, One V and One, all rather different from each other. However, HTC has now shrunk the litter and said that the One S will no longer be receiving updates. Those awaiting Android Jelly Bean 4.2 or HTC's Sense 5 UI are, unfortunately, out of luck.

A spokesperson for the company confirmed that the phone will no longer be supporting Android and Sense updates, and said, "We realize this news will be met with disappointment by some, but our customers should feel confident that we have designed the HTC One S to be optimized with our amazing camera and audio experiences." Fortunately, for those upset costumers there will always be people who will continue by building their own ROMs for the phone, especially as the HTC One X is still on the update track. 


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  • scrumworks
    Typical HTC.
  • ayushde
    HTC is trying to boost up sales for upcoming products by making the consumer buy a new device. To me it looks like a dirty tactic which was once known only to companies like Microsoft. But now every second company does so...
  • rb420
    I own this phone. I am not to upset. It works very with current version of android. Plus I've rooted and usually run an ASOP 4.2.2 rom.

    That being said, I bought this phone used, for $150 when it was still retailing for 350 here in canada. Had I paid full price or been locked into a 3 year contract for a phone that got less than 18 months of updates/support, I'd be a bit upset.

    I got the One s after a good experience with the desire HD. But from this point forward, I will only be buying Nexus devices brand new.
  • Dumi Dumison
    Wasn't there a "at least 1.5 years updates" discussion with Google at some point?

    I totally believed your post until I read "Fiat Multipla"
  • audiophillia
    I don't get the big deal. I am running an iphone 4 with 4.1 iOS with no problems. Is the HTC One S software/firmware broken or something that requires a new update to fix it?
  • chuckydb
    No more updates already for me!
    No more sales for you HTC...
  • djfv
    Some may be ok with this, but I am not. This just proves that they don't care about their customers.
    Unlike iOS which had only modest changes to their OS (until recently) every new android version was a great step forward, and I love all new features.
    High-end manufacturers (HTC is trying to be one) should stand behind their product for more than 1 year.
  • dpl_15
    These are the kind of things that makes me think of jumping from Android to iOS... if my next phone will be Android based, i'll go for a Nexus. Never buying a smartphone from a manufacturer again. Tired of this.
  • phochai
    I have a HTC One S and while it would be nice to have the latest and safest, I'm not too bothered. However I find HTC phone owners more tech savvy than say Samsung owners so this is only going to turn away more people.
    I just like the quality build so will probably buy another HTC sometime in the future.
  • thundervore
    and have in their collection the One X, One XL, One S, One V and One,

    You forgot the One VX, which was released in December. I currently have it and I love it on ICS although I wished it came with JellyBean. But from my experiences with HTC (I previously had the HTC Aria for 3 years before I upgraded to the One VX) most of their phones only get 1 OS upgrade before they make them obsolete, and the update comes at around 1 year after the device release.

    I got my One VX from Att directly for $130 w/ 2 year contract and no data plan. I could have paid $50 if I gotten a data plan. Im happy with what I paid and the device I just hope they don't put the VX on the chopping block so soon.