Jimmy Kimmel Shows Latest Victims of Apple Brainwashing

Over the years, Apple has masterfully honed its marketing skills to somehow sell more and more iPhones each year.

Although each iPhone update does come with changes to its hardware, some people just take the company's word for it.

On Wednesday, the company took the covers off of its latest cash cow, the iPhone 5. And as expected, floods of pre-orders came rolling through, nabbing all of Apple's initial supply in less than an hour.

But just how many of these pre-orders are from iPhone 4S owners who no longer appreciate their device? As Jimmy Kimmel puts it, each new Apple iPhone release seems to make current iPhones look worthless and obsolete.

To test just how powerful Apple's new iPhone marketing effects are, Kimmel's team took to the streets of Los Angeles to ask citizens to test out the new iPhone. Only, it was an old iPhone, two generations old to be exact. The iPhone 5 hasn't even shipped out to the masses yet.

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Although Kimmel states the test was used with the current iPhone 4S, a closer inspection will reveal it was actually an iPhone 4. (You can tell by the marking located next to the audio jack) Despite holding a piece of two year-old technology, many described the "new" iphone 5 as faster, lighter and even bigger. What's worse is that many of the people interviewed own an iPhone 4S themselves.

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Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • Americans can't even label a world map. Distinguishing between iPhone models........ ya that's not gonna happen.
  • Zingam
    That's a joke right? That cannot be serious?
  • darkchazz
    I laughed my arse off xD
    That's iSheep for ya

    Need more articles like this at toms :D
  • flowingbass
    Hilarious! What a bunch of chumps....
  • ricardok
    Brainwashed? No, just plain dumb.. Applemaniacs.... Pfff..
  • memadmax
    Actually, I live in Los Angeles atm(van nuys area) and this video does not surprise me one bit.... In fact, I was wondering where all the homeless people went off to... they prolly cleaned up the place a bit before they made the vid as well....
  • emperor piehead
    i just moved away from Los Angeles area and i used to have a teacher that was an apple freak. This does not surprise me. I'm going to stick with my android.
  • Show them samsung galaxy s3 and tell them it's the new iphone..
  • alikum
    trollingfagShow them samsung galaxy s3 and tell them it's the new iphone..They may be sheeps, but they are not blind ... LOL
  • olaf
    Not surprised really. Apple caters to people who don't realy want the hassle of tech and just want the benefits, regardless if they are limited by Apple's closed ecosystem. That said no one is disputing people are DUMB, plain and simple and Apple tends to attract 'em.