Supposedly New Xbox Logo Leaked, Has Infinity Loop

An image has been leaked on Reddit, showing a text referring to an Xbox Infinity. While this name isn't new, it remains interesting. Back in 2011, the Xbox "Loop" description was already revealed in a roadmap.

Microsoft has been on a roll with claiming a number of Xbox-related domain names, among which are,, as well as,,,, all of which gives us some clue as to what the next Xbox might be called.

Since we still know little about the new Xbox, there are a number of names that it could be given. For example, the renowned Xbox 720 name has gotten plenty of attention, as well as the Xbox Infinity or Loop name. The Xbox Fusion name hasn't gotten as much attention, but based on the rumors that the new Xbox might well be based on an AMD Fusion platform, we cannot rule out the possibility just yet. Another possibility is that either the Xbox Infinity or Xbox Fusion refers to a service rather than the new Xbox itself. Let's just hope that Microsoft doesn't call the next Xbox the "New Xbox."

The most questionable bit is the validity of the image above; anyone can create or recreate this 'loop' logo.

One thing is certain though, and that is that all our questions will be answered on May 21, 2013, when the new Xbox will be revealed.

Niels Broekhuijsen

Niels Broekhuijsen is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He reviews cases, water cooling and pc builds.

  • Stimpack
    I don't normally do this, but who cares? Are we this desperate for any type of next-gen news? It's a name. It's going to end up being called the Xbox regardless.
  • DarkSable
    Really? You're not just reporting a rumour, but you're reporting a rumour that STARTED ON REDDIT?
    Come on, guys...
  • Estix
    Infinite Entertainment. Infinite Possibilities*
    *Infinite Bandwidth connection required
  • aggroboy
    Infinite micro-ads, infinite nickle-and-diming, infinite subscription fees, finite hardware power
  • Stimpack
    Don't forget to enjoy the Fusion™ of Xbox Infinity™ and Comcast™ with Xfinity™ .
  • Ninjamonkeh
    Thats the symbol you will see spinning endlessly on start day while your Xbox desperately trys to connect to Microsoft servers for always online fun.
  • rabbit2012
    It looks like something a kid made in Photoshop.
    Does not look professional at all.
  • tobalaz
    And all the 12 year old kids go wild over any news concerning the next item they'll whine, beg, and plead to their parents for 24/7 until they break down and buy for the spoiled little brats.
    I'm sorry, shouldn't have went there.
  • PadaV4
    10751713 said:
    Infinite Entertainment. Infinite Possibilities*
    *Infinite Bandwidth connection required
    Well played, Sir.
  • bustapr
    sega already leaked the the name of the next xbox which apparently confirmed that it will be called xbox infinity.