AMD Attracts Apple's Top Chip Architect Jim Keller

AMD has had it kind of rough as of late. The company has lost a number of high profile employees over the last year, including Rick Bergman, Bob Feldstein, Eric Demers, Emilio Ghilardi, Bob Rivet, Marty Seyer, and John Bruno. In addition to some of their top guys jumping ship, the company late last year announced plans to cut a total of 1400 jobs. However, today AMD showed that the company still has what it takes to attract top talent. The company announced that Apple's top chip architect Jim Keller is jumping ship and joining AMD as the company's corporate vice president and chief architect for CPU cores.

Prior to his position at Apple as director of platform architecture, Keller was the VP of Design for PA Semi, which was purchased by Apple in 2008. Apple bought PA Semi for its engineering talent, which it planned to use to build custom chips for the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and other mobile devices. During Keller's time at Apple, Cupertino has churned out both the A4 and the A5.

Though the news comes as a surprise, Keller isn't exactly a stranger to AMD. From 1998 to 1999, Keller was a Senior Fellow at the company and lead architect for K8, co-author of the HT specification, co-author of the 64 bit x86 spec and part of the system engineering team that launched K7. In his new role as corporate VP and chief architect for CPU cores, he'll report directly to AMD CTO Mark Papermaster, who also served at Apple. 

Keller holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University. He graduated in 1980.

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  • ilysaml
    Now we Can expect a new competition in CPUs Market.
  • fazers_on_stun
    Finally, some good news for AMD.
  • killerclick
    ilysamlNow we Can expect a new competition in CPUs Market.
    Now we can expect competition in 3-4 years. That's how long it will take, AMD's been developing Fusion since 2006, they can't just pull a new architecture out of this guy's ass.
  • alyoshka
    Apple.... oh that's sad..... AMD really ought to think of fresh minds..... Hiring someone from the Apple team isn't something of a mark of progress..... since it's not SJ himself....
  • Doesnt Arm make Apple CPU's? Did he work for Arm or Apple?
  • Arm dosn't make CPUs, they design architectures which companies then license to produce their own chips. So the A4 / A5 were based on the ARM architecture, but designed and built by Apple.

    And @alyoshka... they hardly just poached some guy from Apple, this is the dude who was responsible for the K8. AKA the last time AMD came up with a decent architecture.
  • hotroderx
    How long before Apple takes AMD to court over this saying AMD infringed on its CPU designs thanks to this guy. How long before Apple goes after this guy directly saying he is in breach of contract and can not work with AMD at all.
  • memadmax
    Oh wow, now this is a surprise.

    I bet everyone on the Apple side are like: "Where did the magical unicorn go?", with big watery eyes that look like Finn's eyes when he's around the bubble gum princess in "Adventure Time"......
  • vipervoid1
    AMD and Apple changing their engineer ?? ~
    Let see what these engineer can help them ~
  • spookyman
    So will this make AMD or Apple better?