AMD's Scott Herkelman Announces Departure

AMD Scott Herkelman
(Image credit: AMD)

In a post this afternoon to X (formerly known as Twitter), Scott Herkelman, who serves as AMD’s Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Graphics Business unit, announced that he is leaving the company. Herkelman's departure comes after Robert Hallock, who served as Director of Technical Marketing, left the company in late 2022.

“After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at the end of this year,” said Herkelman. The fact that he is waiting until the end of the year should give AMD time to find a replacement to fill his position. 

He added that he has enjoyed his time with fellow AMD colleagues over the years, including the excitement that builds around the release of new GPUs. In what seems to be a rallying cry to the troops that he is leaving, Herkelman closed this X post by stating, “May you continue to punch above your weight class and one day… beat the final boss.”

We can only assume that Herkelman refers to Nvidia in that last statement, which remains the 800-pound gorilla in the discrete GPU industry regarding market share and performance. But Nvidia isn't the only competitor that AMD must contend with; Intel joined the fray with its Arc graphics cards, which offer competitive performance for entry-level and mainstream graphics cards.

We last heard from Herkelman about a month ago, when he was lobbing bombs at Nvidia over early issues with the much-maligned 16-pin power connector on the GeForce RTX 40 Series graphics cards. "We specifically, for 7900 Series, and even 7600, we didn't plan on the new power cable, but 7800 and 7700 did have a plan for it," said Herkleman at the time. 

"We removed it, and that was a purposeful removal. You shouldn't blame end users for issues you have. You should catch and own any problems, just like we did with the vapor-chamber issue. I was all over social media because I felt like it was AMD's problem and I was going to own it."

We don't know where Scott Herkelman will wind up next. Intel, AMD, and Nvidia have revolving doors of top talent that hop from one ship to another. So it's entirely possible that he could land at Intel, which is hard at work on its next-generation Battlemage Arc GPUs. However, it would be pretty interesting if Herkleman ended up at archrival Nvidia, which he has spent the past seven years fighting "in the trenches."

Brandon Hill

Brandon Hill is a senior editor at Tom's Hardware. He has written about PC and Mac tech since the late 1990s with bylines at AnandTech, DailyTech, and Hot Hardware. When he is not consuming copious amounts of tech news, he can be found enjoying the NC mountains or the beach with his wife and two sons.

  • Kamen Rider Blade
    AMD Names Jack Huynh Senior Vice President and General Manager, Computing and Graphics
  • Would love to know the backstage of his departure - if indeed there is one.
  • Unolocogringo
    I worked on a remodel/ addition/horse barn/ fencing/garage job for a little over 2 years. It started as a house on acreage.
    Some times, it is time to move on to another persons dreams.
    It was bordered on 2 sides by pristine National forest, couple of streams joined at the bottom of a mountain.
    Beautiful office environment.
  • SonoraTechnical
    Admin said:
    Herkleman's 7-year tenure at AMD will wrap up at the end of 2023.

    AMD's Scott Herkleman Announces Departure : Read more
    7 years fighting in the trenches... give me break... so melodramatic... it's a gig... it pays your mortgage... it sends your kids off to school..
  • endocine
    These guys are a joke, hallock and this stooge. One minute they are lambasting their competitors, then the next they are working for them. Intel isn't better off with hallock, and won't be with this guy if he joins him there.
  • thisisaname
    Did his management improve the company or did he largely do what the guy before him was doing?
    Leaving now before the house of card falls down?