Crytek's Homefront Sequel Revealed

Homefront was THQ's aspirations to make a stake into modern military FPSes -- the now defunct publisher's own Call of Duty or Battlefield, so to speak. Unfortunately, Kaos Studio, formed out of a Desert Combat mod team, just couldn't deliver something that was quite the caliber that THQ was hoping and expecting for. Homefront sold 2.6 million copies in its first two months, which was apparently enough copies to inspire THQ to seek out Crytek to develop a sequel. 

Since then, THQ has gone under. Crytek bid and won the Homefront IP. With complete creative freedom, Crytek is changing the sequel up. The original was a linear shooter in the same vein as Call of Duty. Crytek ultimately decided to change Homefront into something more open world. "When we acquired the IP, all of a sudden we had the freedom to take this game wherever we wanted," stated Crytek designer Fasahat Salim to Polygon. "We thought, what better way to do that than just go open-world with it." 

Homefront: The Revolution will be set in Philadelphia. Due to the open world nature of the game, players are pushed towards using stealth and whatever tactical means possible to take down enemies, rather than facing them with full force. Players seek out the citizens of Philadelphia for help, as angry mobs can provide cover and delay enemy forces.  

In short, the open world nature of the Homefront sequel lends itself well to establishing the "conquered America" setting.  

Homefront: The Revolution is slated for release for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in 2015.  

Follow Catherine Cai @catherinetcai. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • myromance123
    Homefront: The Revolution is slated for release for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in 2015.
    Did you just purposefully omit Linux and Mac from that statement? It was clear on their site, yet you omit it here. Why? This is very unprofessional.

    EDIT: I apologize. It would seem no one wants this information written explicitly except me.
  • bemused_fred
    I'm frankly amazed that absolutely no-one else spots the irony of this series. It's America basically getting up in front of a Camera and going: "HEY, KOREA! WOULDN'T IT BE TERRIBLE IF SOMEONE INVADED YOUR COUNTRY FOR THEIR OWN POLITICAL ENDS AND MASSACRED THE PEOPLE LIVING THERE IN A BRUTAL AND BLOODY WAR? I MEAN, IT WOULD JUST BE-, wait, what's that? Oh, really? Awkward."
  • southernshark
    I'll be interested when we have invasion Canada and get to slaughter Canadians.
  • expl0itfinder
    This game has a lot of potential. I really hope Crytek knocks it out of the park.
    I'm frankly amazed that absolutely no-one else spots the irony of this series. It's America basically getting up in front of a Camera and going: "HEY, KOREA! WOULDN'T IT BE TERRIBLE IF SOMEONE INVADED YOUR COUNTRY FOR THEIR OWN POLITICAL ENDS AND MASSACRED THE PEOPLE LIVING THERE IN A BRUTAL AND BLOODY WAR? I MEAN, IT WOULD JUST BE-, wait, what's that? Oh, really? Awkward."

    While I would hope any sane person would agree that any war of any kind is brutal, bloody and outright horrible, it doesn't seem you actually know the circumstances of the Korean war of the early 1950's. North Korea invaded the democratic South, and NATO (Not just America) came to their defense. If NATO wanted to invade then MacArthur would not have been sacked and they would have allowed him to continue fighting all the way into China and start WWIII. There is a reason NATO withdrew back to the South and put the borders back where they basically were at the 38th parallel.

    On a brighter note, I very much enjoyed Homefront's storyline and while the multiplayer was terrible, I think that Crytek and their direction will bring about a great Homefront sequel as it deserves.
  • bemused_fred
    While I would hope any sane person would agree that any war of any kind is brutal, bloody and outright horrible, it doesn't seem you actually know the circumstances of the Korean war of the early 1950's. North Korea invaded the democratic South, and NATO (Not just America) came to their defense. If NATO wanted to invade then MacArthur would not have been sacked and they would have allowed him to continue fighting all the way into China and start WWIII. There is a reason NATO withdrew back to the South and put the borders back where they basically were at the 38th parallel.

    On a brighter note, I very much enjoyed Homefront's storyline and while the multiplayer was terrible, I think that Crytek and their direction will bring about a great Homefront sequel as it deserves.

    (Yeah, I know that the Korean war was one of the U.S.'s less cunty ones. But still....)
  • Jsmooth1992
    I'll be interested when we have invasion Canada and get to slaughter Canadians.

    You actually need psychiatric help.
  • coolitic
    Knowing Crytek, we will need modders to make the anti-cheat for them AGAIN, since crytek fails at anti cheat.

    Apart from that, this might be good.
  • red77star
    All PC games should be powered by cry engine, everything else can go to shit called consoles.
  • renz496
    13436687 said:
    Homefront: The Revolution is slated for release for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in 2015.
    Did you just purposefully omit Linux and Mac from that statement? It was clear on their site, yet you omit it here. Why? This is very unprofessional.

    then tell me why linux/mac is not a "PC" in your book? or did you believe mac campaign than different computer with different OS is not a PC?