HTC One: A Closer Look at the Hardware Industrial Design

As much as we're not fans of the term "superphone," the HTC One undoubtedly deserves the title of being super rather than just a plain smartphone. The all aluminum body is something that we've seen for generations and from other phone makers, but the idea of integrating an IR blaster into the power button push aspects of the HTC One's design into genius territory.


The decision to focus on photo quality with "Ultrapixels" rather than continue to play the megapixel game is admirable. Even small touches such as using a specifically polished concentric pattern on the volume rocker speaks to how much HTC cares about putting out a good design.


We had the fortunate chance to sit down and chat with Jonah Becker, director of design at HTC, to get some additional insight on how such an industrial design came to be. Check it out below:



Don't forget to check out our original hands-on with the HTC One here.

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Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • dalethepcman
    I loved the feel of the case of my N1 made by HTC. I'm sure this is just as nice, but without running pure android its still a no buy for me.
  • redeemer
    HTC make the highest quality Android phones I mean they always have. Now they need to market the heck out of it just like Samsung did with their cheap ugly Galaxy S3. HTC needs to do better than Samsung's gimmicks like "Design for Humans" and "Inspired by Nature" lol oh yeah "Hyper Glaze" "Nature UI" ETC!
  • internetlad
    too bad this isn't made by apple, then somebody might leave it at a bar, and I could find it.
  • deadlockedworld
    I just can't believe its taken this long for other manufacturers to follow Apple's lead on designing quality. Think what you will of apple, they manufacture some beautiful devices ... and their competitors still love plastic.
  • redeemer
    /\/\ the thing is Apple producst after light use get scuffed up pretty badly, Pocketnow has long-term use product reviews and the iPhone 5 shows wear and tear to easily especially on the machined edges. The HTC one X was the best built phone around, and HTC has topped that with the One.
  • alexthager
    redeemer/\/\ the thing is Apple producst after light use get scuffed up pretty badly, Pocketnow has long-term use product reviews and the iPhone 5 shows wear and tear to easily especially on the machined edges. The HTC one X was the best built phone around, and HTC has topped that with the One.
    I've always been a fan of the design of the iPhone. However, I will say, this phone looks outstanding. I loved the One X, but this device is incredible. The first Android phone I've truly adored. I hope HTC and other manufacturers continue putting out remarkable products like these.
  • redeemer
    Apple knows that the iPhone 6 need to be all that and more, and I am sure they will pull it off in a big way. I do not think that the hardware specs in the S4 will be that big of a deal considering the Sony Xperia Z, Optimus G Pro, HTC One all packing. I think Samsung will take Touchwiz to the next level and intro new exciting tech in the way of software. The thing is in my opinion if you pay top dollar for a phone it should at least look the part!
  • nodeffect
    If it's logo change to Apple, it would make a whole lots of differences and many people would keep start buying it. The design is awesome, the hardware is awesome.

    Honestly, most HTC phones are awesome, and samsung is overrated with it's cheap plastic design phones and hardware wise, it doesn't really outperformed other phones in the market.

    This shows how ignorant people are thses days. If it's Apple or Samsung, it must be a great phone.
  • kitsunestarwind
    Such a nice phone why the hell did they have to ruin it by putting shitty Beats audio into it
  • samwelaye
    kitsunestarwindSuch a nice phone why the hell did they have to ruin it by putting shitty Beats audio into it
    Actually, some phones have a built in headphone amp (like the DNA) that make a HUGE difference. So its not ruined in the slightest. If this has that, and a high quality DAC (right term?) this could be a music lovers best phone. Other than the no microsd though since to take advantage of the quality its nice to use FLAC