Apple Sells 3 Million iPads in Under Three Months

It's been just 80 days since the iPad went on sale and in those 80 days, Apple has sold three million units. Apple announced its 'one million unit' landmark at 28 days and revealed it had sold two million iPads before the two month mark. Apple yesterday announced that it had sold its three millionth iPad on Monday.

"People are loving iPad as it becomes a part of their daily lives," said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. "We’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more people around the world, including those in nine more countries next month."

Though it certainly sounds impressive, Wired's Charlie Sorrell points out that though this three million milestone is technically 10 days ahead of schedule, Apple launched the iPad oversees a couple of weeks back so they should actually have sold more, or at least hit three million sooner than they did.

  • maydaynomore
    The only positive thing about this is that many other companies are going to want a piece of that pie.
  • dextermat
    soon 3 million RMA, recalls anyone?
  • sliem
    Soon, these buyers will regret their purchase. I give them a year.
  • Tuguz
    maydaynomoreThe only positive thing about this is that many other companies are going to want a piece of that pie.
    I certainly hope so. I'm really interested in an android or windows based tablet. Its not that I need one, my laptop works well for serious purposes but you can't have enough gadgets hehe.
  • sstym
    Even if you don't like Steve Jobs, Apple and/or their products, you have to admire their business savvy, and how they are able to create a captive audience that will buy their products regardless of what they are actually capable of doing.
    Their ability to convince people that they must buy Apple products to be cool and that, in contrast, competitor products are terminally unhip is almost preternatural.

    My hat off to Apple.

    But not my wallet.

  • nforce4max
    Hmmmm 3 million who wont see the light of Flash any time soon. 3 million who will learn the hard way when it comes to moving files on to and off though iTunes. 3 million who over paid for as little as 16gb storage vs a 6 year old laptop/macbook that has 40gb+ while they top out at 64gb but like the rest aren't upgradable. 3 million who only bought this to tinker around with instead of daily practical use. 3 million who could have bought something better on the second hand market for less like Motion Computing or a used Figiju stylistic. Don't forget those still useful TC 1100.
  • Tmanishere
    It reminds me of the skit Jim Gaffigan does and it goes something like

    Some French guy's sitting there, like "How dumb do I think the Americans are? I bet you we could sell those idiots water." "Look, Pierre, the Americans are pretty dumb, but they're not going to buy water." "Oh yes they are! Let's just tell the Americans the water's from France."
  • awood28211
    The force is strong in that 1... unfortunately the force equates to wool pulled over the eyes of the very sheep that follow him.
  • halls
    He's still calling it magical?
  • sstym
    hallsHe's still calling it magical?
    The first time he called it magical, 3 million people bought one. Why would he stop?