iPhone 4 has twice the RAM of iPad and 3GS

When the iPhone 4 was announced, a lot of people were surprised that some features, like iMovie, were exclusive to iPhone 4. Not even the iPad, with its identical A4 processor, was said to be getting all the same apps.

However, it seems the issue is one of hardware, more specifically, RAM. MacRumors reports that while the original iPhone and iPhone 3G boasted 128MB of RAM and the 3GS and iPad had twice that with 256MB, the iPhone 4 has 512MB of RAM.

Though Apple isn't exactly known for releasing the processor speed and RAM of any of its iPhones, the company supposedly confirmed the 512MB at WWDC last week.

Full story here.

  • ern88
    What is the norm ram for a smart phone these days?
  • mattfoo2324
    The iPad looks so outdated now with its 1024 x 768 screen, 1/2 the RAM and no camera, not to mention a front facing one. Apple really dropped the ball on the engineering of the iPad, where two months later its totally outclassed by a PHONE! Too bad consumers can't recognize that and refuse to buy already outdated hardware. Instead, we're stuck with sheeple, with Steve Jobs tending the flock.
  • sliem
    Fortunately for Apple, they have genius marketing team.
    Unfortunately for Apple fans, they have genius marketing team.
  • lo_vaquero
    Did apple screw up? They have supposedly sold 2 million iPads.

    That's $1 billion minimum that they've managed to part from various fools of varying colors, fruits and adorations...

    So what if it is now upscaled by a phone? Apple made a boatload of cash either way...
  • Tuguz
    I've noticed that my friend's iPad slows down on some PDF documents. It was clear that this isn't really an ideal device from the start.

    Sadly, most of my friends don't know that and they won't listen to your recommendations anyway.
  • zambutu
    Depends how you look at it. To me, having an iPad is better than no iPad. You can wait a year until the tablet market sorts itself out and buy the best machine going, or just enjoy the existing iPad for now. No, it doesn't do everything I want it to, but no device does.

    I don't care if the iPhone has better specs than the iPad, the screen is too small to be useful for anything other than checking email when out and about.
  • jmchien
    I agree with zambutu... for people who have use for the iPad whether it's for fun or business they will buy (probably haven bought) the iPad and a better spec phone won't necessarily change that
  • xxsk8er101xx
    512MB RAM is the norm for smart phones. Mine has 512MB with the droid incredible.

    This news is like saying the iphone can multitask. Multitasking has been the norm for awhile.

    ern88What is the norm ram for a smart phone these days?
  • nforce4max
    lo_vaqueroDid apple screw up? They have supposedly sold 2 million iPads. That's $1 billion minimum that they've managed to part from various fools of varying colors, fruits and adorations...So what if it is now upscaled by a phone? Apple made a boatload of cash either way...

    Sure Apple can try to reinvent the condom and put a fruit logo on it doesn't mean it was successful technologically.
  • ordcestus
    lo_vaqueroDid apple screw up? They have supposedly sold 2 million iPads. That's $1 billion minimum that they've managed to part from various fools of varying colors, fruits and adorations...So what if it is now upscaled by a phone? Apple made a boatload of cash either way...I agree they made good money but when you undercut your products so quickly like this it'll drive customers away