IBM Has Done Amazing Stuff in the Last 100 Years

The computer industry is fairly young compared to many other industries, but one of founding pioneer companies of the information age is now officially a century old.

IBM, or International Business Machines, has changed our world for the last 100 years. The business may now have many more innovators, but IBM still stands as one of the biggest and most respected firms.

Today, IBM may be the all-business company that makes cool machines that kick ass on Jeopardy, but it's done other lots of amazing, world-changing things. Just check out the retrospective videos below to see what we mean.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • PreferLinux
    I didn't realise they've been around that long!
  • lightbulbsocket
    Bet those videos don't bother to mention how IBM helped the Nazis keep track of all those concentration camp victims. That one made my jaw drop in amazement.
  • nebun
    lightbulbsocketBet those videos don't bother to mention how IBM helped the Nazis keep track of all those concentration camp victims. That one made my jaw drop in amazement.just because IBM developed the tech it does not mean that they are the bad guys...without this company we would not be able to do a lot of stop your complaining
  • Sizomu
    NeBuNjust because IBM developed the tech it does not mean that they are the bad guys...without this company we would not be able to do a lot of stop your complaining
    So You want progress above human lives? and Its not IBM only who made this progress! And most of this progress has little to do with the health and Wealth of Humans!!! NOTE: Cure for Diseases is In Nature and IN Your BODY!! So Helping Mankind is not what IBM DID!!! Killing Millions in order to Create New Millions isn't much of improvement.
  • eddieroolz
    IBM has really been one amazing company. They may not be a household name but they're surely the driving force behind many of the innovations that we take for granted today.
  • fladder80
    lightbulbsocketBet those videos don't bother to mention how IBM helped the Nazis keep track of all those concentration camp victims. That one made my jaw drop in amazement.Yawn...
    So, when are you going to condemn all the weapon and ammo manufacturers for killing those billions of people since the invention of the gun?
  • jamesedgeuk2000
    lightbulbsocketBet those videos don't bother to mention how IBM helped the Nazis keep track of all those concentration camp victims. That one made my jaw drop in amazement.
    And, Siemens don't brag about the design work they did on the gas chambers either...
  • holygigi
    Never new they invented so much, cool videos
  • Scott2010au
    Times have changed.
  • GBPackerNut
    Well, if you want to bring up the conversation about Nazi's and such, go research Bayer and IG Farben