QOTD: How Would You Run Microsoft Differently?
There's no disputing that Microsoft is a highly successful company. It's ambitions are set very high, and the company's determination to win in every market it enters is frightening to say the least.
Of course, like all companies, Microsoft has had extremely good times and some not so good times. From faulty starts to run-ins with government entities, Microsoft has been through a plethora of difficult situations. Bet yet, even through all the rough times, Microsoft continues to dominate the computing world. Windows is the undisputed king of desktop and server operating systems, and the company's venerable Office suite is used in nearly every office around the globe.
In recent years, we've seen Microsoft dip its hands into markets that surprised many at the time. When Microsoft announced it would enter the game console market, the news shocked many. Microsoft is also going after the Internet search and online advertising market and doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Cloud computing is next up on the software giant's list, and we'll hedge our bets that it'll do well in this space too.
Considering all of Microsoft's blunders and successes, its world-wide dominance allows it to be the trend-maker and market shaker. So...
The question of the day is: If you were running Microsoft, how would you do things differently?
Some ideas to jog your thoughts:
- Xbox division
- Windows operating system
- Online search
- Zune/Music
- Internet Explorer
- Office
- Servers
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There's plenty of things that could be changed. What would be priority number one?
afrobacon As much as I hate their 20 or so version of the same thing marketing strategy, I think my feelings would change a bit when I look at my bank account and 100million dollar house it got me... I'm greedy...Reply
IE however, needs to be put out of it misery and replaced with something that can compete with other browsers on the market. -
MrF430 zingamAnd this guy with the ear ring is the head of the largest software corporation in the world?My God, I know now why Windows sux so badly!Reply
Wow! You're either:
A. Blind
B. A Moron
C. A nix, but most probably an Apple fanboy!
D. All of the above! -
MrF430 zingamAnd this guy with the ear ring is the head of the largest software corporation in the world?My God, I know now why Windows sux so badly!Reply
Wow! You're either:
A. Blind
B. A Moron
C. A nix, but most probably an Apple fanboy!
D. All of the above! -
MrF430 That's a fricken mic/earpiece! Do you not see the cord that runs down from the shiny part you're so fixated on! Maybe if he was wearing a black turtleneck you would praise him for being so different!Reply
Next time, instead of posting nonsense, please elaborate as to why you dislike Windows so much!? Is it because its the most common OS used, and that automatically makes it uncool? Is it because there are an unparalleled amount of programs available to run on windows without the need to emulate another OS? Is it because you can play games on it? Is it because it can do everything the other OS's can? Is it because you were influenced by your friends which were influenced by their friends who in turn were influenced by their friends to hate MS/Windows/Vista, all of whom were unable to think for themselves and arrive at their own conclusions about which OS they like/dislike and why?! Ohhhh I know!!!! It must be because the hardware and software options of a Windows based PC compared to another OS is like 60:1? I too hate having options! OPTIONS SUCK!!! I mean now I can understand why Windows does suck! Especially with all the reasons I listed above! I don't know why anyone in their right mind would run such a crappy OS!?!?
Go be a troll elsewhere please! Thanks! -
svenolsen MrF430That's a fricken mic/earpiece! Do you not see the cord that runs down from the shiny part you're so fixated on! Maybe if he was wearing a black turtleneck you would praise him for being so different! Next time, instead of posting nonsense, please elaborate as to why you dislike Windows so much!? Is it because its the most common OS used, and that automatically makes it uncool? Is it because there are an unparalleled amount of programs available to run on windows without the need to emulate another OS? Is it because you can play games on it? Is it because it can do everything the other OS's can? Is it because you were influenced by your friends which were influenced by their friends who in turn were influenced by their friends to hate MS/Windows/Vista, all of whom were unable to think for themselves and arrive at their own conclusions about which OS they like/dislike and why?! Ohhhh I know!!!! It must be because the hardware and software options of a Windows based PC compared to another OS is like 60:1? I too hate having options! OPTIONS SUCK!!! I mean now I can understand why Windows does suck! Especially with all the reasons I listed above! I don't know why anyone in their right mind would run such a crappy OS!?!?Go be a troll elsewhere please! Thanks!Reply
I'm a Windows/PC user and a post like the one you just wrote makes me feel ashamed that you're a Windows user too. You automatically assumed the guy was a Mac, and then ranted with all that crap above like "Ohhhh I know!!!! It must be because the hardware and software options of a Windows based PC compared to another OS is like 60:1? I too hate having options! OPTIONS SUCK!!!"
Interestingly, you don't know either. Do you know what he's using? Windows users dislike and like Windows too. Jumping the gun and automatically pulling out the Mac-fanboy card makes you a douche. You're actually the type of guy that you're dissing in your own post. GG. -
Roffey123 With the xbox division I would have spent a lot more money developing reliable hardware...and a cooling solution that didn't suck for the old 90nm consoles. Another thing I would have invested in would have been a quieter DVD drive...and then providing cheap upgrades for the console. Like hard-drives, mainly - and then make it easier for users to transfer their data from one hard-drive to the next. Stuff like that would have avoided the massive losses in the xbox division when RRoDs started cropping up like locusts.Reply
With the OS I would focus on providing a lightweight software solution - with a largely modular make-up. Much like Windows 7 proportedly says it is (with uninstallable features) - but it should have been introduced much sooner. Certainly where IE is concerned - if it was plausible to remove early versions of IE from Windows 98 then I'm sure MS would of avoided a lot of the anti-trust issues its had over the years.
Ofc, its all obvious with hindsight. -
Roffey123 @MrF430 - whilst I sympahise with your comment - it just made you look like an idoit. Refrain from this in future.Reply
@svenolsen - A little tap on the wrist would have sufficed - you didn't need to go troll on F430 yourself. Chill.
Now kiss and make up you two else I'll give you a spanking with my Linux paddle. -
MrF430 svenolsenI'm a Windows/PC user and a post like the one you just wrote makes me feel ashamed that you're a Windows user too. You automatically assumed the guy was a Mac, and then ranted with all that crap above like "Ohhhh I know!!!! It must be because the hardware and software options of a Windows based PC compared to another OS is like 60:1? I too hate having options! OPTIONS SUCK!!!"Interestingly, you don't know either. Do you know what he's using? Windows users dislike and like Windows too. Jumping the gun and automatically pulling out the Mac-fanboy card makes you a douche. You're actually the type of guy that you're dissing in your own post. GG.Reply
First things first, I didn't automatically assume he was a Mac user. I did mention the probability of him being a Linux user, but, usually in more cases than not, when someone says something totally irrelevant to back their argument and they follow it up with a Windows or M$ is teh sux! or any other such variant, usually happens to be from the Mac side (apparently their ads haven't really provided any realistic/truthful/unbiased information for a person on the fence to decide which might be a better choice). You cannot argue with me on that, as I'm sure you know it is the truth. Chances are he can be a Win user as well, however, if I and/or anyone else I know were to complain about a product or service, we would at least have some information to back up our complaint. Not just say that it SUX! That brings me to the realization that this person cannot be a win user as, because if he was, we would at least have some detail as to why he dislikes it so much, not because the CEO supposedly has an earring!!!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you think I'm a douche, than so be it, no skin off my nose. But don't play high and mighty without letting the post sink in and understanding why I said the things I said. -
svenolsen MrF430Wow! You're either:A. BlindB. A MoronC. A nix, but most probably an Apple fanboy!D. All of the above!Reply
Okay MrF430 -
Let me break it down to you, since you're calling me "high and mighty."
You called him Blind or Moronic -- was it necessary to flame and insult him like that? You say "when someone says something totally irrelevant to back their argument"--right... And those things are relevant. As if he were blind he would have been able to look at the picture of Ballmer to begin with? Is it just me or are you being a hypocrite?
Then you call him either a Nix user Or a Mac user but conveniently left out a Windows user. Why? Because Windows users are high and mighty like yourself? That gives you the right to go dissing people?
Heh, of course I can argue with you because your posts fall flat because of the ridiculous posting behavior you're showing in the first few posts. Now you're trying to come across legitimate with the past above?
"Chances are he can be a Win user as well, however, if I and/or anyone else I know were to complain about a product or service, we would at least have some information to back up our complaint. Not just say that it SUX!"
How long have you been around the computing scene my friend? Long enough to know that people of all kinds have been saying "it just sux!" for anything? And this short, unprofound statement has been tossed around within the Windows community itself for ages, BSODs to other things.
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you think I'm a douche, than so be it, no skin off my nose."
Really? Then why do you have to lash out at the guy for expressing his "opinion"? Because you deem it to be baseless, and therefore suddenly self justify to toss around names at the guy? You sound so calm in this new post, yet in your response to him, not only did you post three times, you became offensive against him as well as defensive against yourself and appearing like an idiot.
Let me clarify: whether or not you ARE an idiot, you certainly APPEARED like one.