Nokia Offers Free Lumia to User Whose Galaxy S4 Caught Fire

Earlier this month, a Canadian Galaxy S4 user made headlines when he posted a video claiming his GS4 had caught fire while it had been plugged in to charge. Richard Wygand posted the video because Samsung had requested proof. Not long after, the South Korean phone company sent Wygand a letter offering a replacement phone on the condition that he remove the video and not discuss the incident again.

Wp-hub points to a tweet from Nokia USA offering to help Mr. Wygand out. Nokia reached out to Wygand on Twitter after he asked people to help him share his experiences with others.

".@ghostlyrich we want to help you out," the tweet read. "Let me send you a Nokia Lumia so you can experience how customer service should *really* work."

The move echoes Microsoft's offer of free Windows Phones for Android users complaining on Twitter (way back in 2011). Though Wygand is actually in Canada and the offer came from Nokia USA, the Canadian has taken Nokia up on its offer and Nokia has promised to do what it can to help. Samsung hasn't commented on Nokia's offer, nor has there been anymore developments in the story.

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • Amdlova
    I prefer a nokia than a samsung cellphone. But good look to him with the new phone. AND your lawyer and justice.
  • edwd2
    I've used devices from Samsung, Microsoft, Asus, Dell, Apple, LG, Toshiba over these years. It's nothing new, customer service pretty much always suck.
  • Blazer1985
    Smart commercial move. Well done Nokia :-)
    Oh and btw, they really have THE BEST customer service, at least here in europe.
  • biohazrdfear
    Like edwd2 said, customer service all around sucks. I'm very suprised Nokia pulled something like this. Nine times out of ten they only did it to shine a bit of spotlight on them. They purposely made it public to bash on Samsung. The thing with customer that you always have to trick them some kind of way and act stupid. If you don't do that, you're not gonna' get service.
  • jasonpwns
    How is this bashing biohazard? They made one comment towards something that Samsung really did. It wasn't repetitive. They offered him a free phone and made a truthful statement against samsung.
  • Scott Evers
    Nokia customer service is quite well, you just tweet nokia usa and get a response in minutes.
  • qlum
    While I have nothing against nokia I would not really be happy with anything nokia has to offer as an replacement for a gs4 its just the lack of micro sd cards (decent storage capacity) and the os that runs on it that would turn me down.
  • qlum
    Still a nice publicity stunt though
  • icemunk
    I wish there was a phone that could run all mobile OS's and be supported. Multi-boot phone.. hmm.. today I'll use Windows Phone, tomorrow Android, and Friday iOS.
  • osamabinrobot
    i tried out a lumia for three days, returned it. nice phone! but god windows phone sucks for apps