Samsung Galaxy Gear Tops 30% Return Rate

Many are in a hurry to update their lives with the latest gadgets and tech. NFC, Bluetooth cars and GPS have all revolutionized the lives of the average person in the developed world. Unfortunately, Samsung's latest bid to make things just a bit easier on us isn't going too well.

The Samsung Galaxy Gear is rumored to have return rates of over 30 percent, according to The smartwatch was released this September to middling reviews. (See our sister site LAPTOP's review.) Syncing with the user's phone to streamline the experience of taking photos, making calls and more all from the wrist, the Gear seemed like one of the better options on the market.

Samsung is partnering with its reps in Best Buy to try and isolate the problem.

  • Vladislaus
    So they launch a device that is compatible with almost nothing, it's heavy, has poor battery life, and on top of that it's ugly. What were they expecting?
  • bystander
    This tech definitely has drawbacks. It won't be for everyone, and is not surprising it has a high return rate. You'll be force to go Bluetooth or go speaker phone. That in of itself is problematic for most, I imagine.
  • finder
    it's just samsung - wasting loads of cash on developing and marketing just to keep their revenues coming, in a worst case their company will be crowned as pioneer, in the best - market leader
  • Murissokah
    It surprises me that people return it because it means they bought it on the first place. One quick research would have prevented that decision. Currently, this device is clearly more trouble than anything else.
  • DragonChase
    ITS too expensive...and im guessing a big chunk of the remainder of the people return it after finding out it only works with samsung phones.

    Better yet, only galaxy S4 etc not even S3...dont know if this is still actual right now, but nevertheless...why was it even actual.
  • sykozis
    Samsung needs to get rid of their useless "reps" in BestBuy stores. The "reps" at my local store have no idea what Samsung even sells aside from TVs and smartphones.
  • Spac3nerd
    My "obsolete" watch lasts 36 hours on a full wind, and then winds itself if I wear it. Sad that the most basic function of the Galaxy Gear is eclipsed by 18th century technology.
  • ipwn3r456
    30%?! That's almost every customer out of three are returning it... well samsung must do something about this. ..
  • ap3x
    Not sure if this is them being a pioneer. I guess in the literal way yea but this has largely been looked at in the industry as them rushing to market with a product to try and beat Apple to the market with the rumors iWatch. Problem is that it is just a rumor. There has not been an official announcement. This was just bad strategy on their part. Now they have opened the market up and compu watches are coming out of the wood works. Until someone does it in a way that everyone expects the entire market will remain very niche and not go anywhere.
  • stevejnb
    11817301 said:
    My "obsolete" watch lasts 36 hours on a full wind, and then winds itself if I wear it. Sad that the most basic function of the Galaxy Gear is eclipsed by 18th century technology.

    Does it have Bluetooth?