Modern Discord hacked into Windows 95 and 98, slimmed down version keeps core functionality intact

The open-source "Discord Messenger" backport for Windows 95 and Windows 98 SE.
(Image credit: @IProgramInCpp on Twitter)

To the surprise of us in the newsroom and likely numerous existing Discord users who have felt the application get heavier and less performant over time, one lone developer has successfully backported Discord with most of its key functions intact to Windows 95 and Windows 98 Second Edition. Boiling down Discord to its most basic form, it still makes sense that this is possible. After all, any fancy modern instant messenger is just an IRC client with a fancy hat.

IProgramInCpp did this development work and stands out as one of many examples of unexpected applications being made to work on Windows 95 and 98 — keep in mind that we've once seen the entire .NET Framework (and thus thousands of dependent apps) be backported to Windows 95.

According to the developer, running the aptly named Discord Messenger on Windows 95 will require much more of the end user than on Windows 98 Second Edition, where the client works out of the box. For older versions of Windows, you'll need to compile the program with MinGW.

Detailed installation instructions are available on the GitHub page for those hoping to get a Discord client running on their old PC. Still, fortunately, Windows 98 SE, Windows XP SP2, and other newer versions of Windows should be able to run this one pretty seamlessly. It even still works on modern Windows versions, though you have very little reason to use it on a modern system unless you hate that Discord overhead.

Discord Messenger running on Windows 98 Second Edition, made widescreen for your convenience— note that actually getting widescreen working on Windows 98 may prove very difficult depending on specific hardware configuration.

Discord Messenger running on Windows 98 Second Edition, made widescreen for your convenience— note that actually getting widescreen working on Windows 98 may prove very difficult depending on specific hardware configuration. (Image credit: @IProgramInCpp on Twitter)

Of course, this port isn't necessarily feature-complete, and some features will seemingly never be added, whether due to technical limitations or attempts to avoid flagging Discord's spam detection. Technically, using your own Discord client breaks TOS, so users are advised to be cautious with this client, especially if a safer alternative account is an option.

Features implemented during writing include the most basic messaging functionality: Direct Messages, servers, images, attachment uploads, message edits, replies, and deletion. This includes typing indicators, embeds, viewing server member lists, and untrusted URL indicators.

Unimplemented features to be added include the friend list, dark mode, entering voice channel and joining voice channels, blocking/closing DMs, muting channels, changing display name & custom status, and other core functionality still currently missing. Of these features, it seems that voice call support— both connecting to servers and supporting the protocols in use— is pretty far off in the future, which is sensible considering how relatively cutting-edge that aspect of Discord is compared to the rest, which is again basically just an IRC client with a fancy hat (or a dozen).

Some features that are just unplanned boil down to this application's intended use as an alternative Discord client rather than your central client. Sending friend requests, creating DM channels, entering servers, and most log-in methods, including QR codes and email addresses, are unplanned since they will likely trigger Discord's anti-spam measures.

Christopher Harper
Contributing Writer

Christopher Harper has been a successful freelance tech writer specializing in PC hardware and gaming since 2015, and ghostwrote for various B2B clients in High School before that. Outside of work, Christopher is best known to friends and rivals as an active competitive player in various eSports (particularly fighting games and arena shooters) and a purveyor of music ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Killer Mike to the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack.

  • DS426
    Why would anyone connect Win95 or Win98 to the internet? Did I miss something?
  • TheyCallMeContra
    DS426 said:
    Why would anyone connect Win95 or Win98 to the internet? Did I miss something?

    Just because, I guess. Lots of "just because" tech projects exist.
  • Amdlova
    They connect these old OS to the internet to see how fast they can be hacked.
  • mrdoc22
    DS426 said:
    Why would anyone connect Win95 or Win98 to the internet? Did I miss something?
    If they can get "Chrome webrowser" to run on 98SE,
    there is no problems with surfing on internet (it's all doing in browser),
    and you are still behind you router's firewall.

    It's more to show we don't need overbloated programs and OS's like Windows 7 and after and a "Chrome webrowser" install that is 800MB in filesize.

    Microsoft should stopped at Win XP and made that in 64bit
    (I now that they did make a 64 bit, but that was to ealy to market) but money talks
  • stonecarver
    mrdoc22 said:
    Win XP and made that in 64bit
    Just an FYI there was a Windows XP 64bit. But so early in the 64 bit game there was not much support drivers or programs.

    I still have my XP 64 bit install DVD. :)
  • mrdoc22
    stonecarver said:
    Just an FYI there was a Windows XP 64bit. But so early in the 64 bit game there was not much support drivers or programs.

    I still have my XP 64 bit install DVD. :)
    Yes, I have it installed to try it. :)

    Micosoft believed that with they marketposition could push the market to 64 bit overnight.

    Microsoft should just make a 16/32/64 bit version of Win XP instead of a clean 64bit.
  • adamboy64
    Windows 98 'Special Edition' hey?
    I've only ever seen Win 98 SE referred to as 'Second Edition'..
  • das_stig
    Discord is another once useful bit of software that just got too big and bloated and sailed away rom its core role of a community chat client and some monster multimedia bloatware with a horrible ToysRUs/Teams interface.
  • JeffreyP55
    Admin said:
    Windows 95 and 98SE get a functioning open-source backport of Discord.

    Modern Discord hacked into Windows 95 and 98, slimmed down version keeps core functionality intact : Read more
    Will I need a 14.4kbaud modem for this?
    Use it twice, oh boy.. Now what? Really not for me I guess.
    I have "Amiga forever" which is an Amiga-dos emulator. For the two time a year I actually use the Amiga side. Hundreds of primitive games that puts a smile on your face. Older than many of the users on Tom's.
  • Mindstab Thrull
    Personally I just connect to Discord by going to instead of yet another app. That being said, this may be one of those times when the app is legitimately more useful.
    Also, some software doesn't work well on modern versions of Windows. One game I really enjoyed doesn't work well on Windows 10, even with a VM for some reason (Microprose's MTG game aka Shandalar). So maybe I'll just set up a 98SE box and go from there for old games and such.

    Mindstab Thrull