Google Comments on the $1 Billion Apple, Samsung Verdict

Apple has long been criticized for not going directly after Android maker Google as opposed to the companies manufacturing Android hardware (such as HTC and Samsung). While some of Apple's complaints relate to device design, some of its claims relate to functions enabled by the Android operating system, but taking on Google is no small feat, even if it the company is your number one competitor.

On Friday, a jury came out in favor of Apple in a parent suit against Samsung. The Cupertino-based company was awarded $1.051 billion USD in damages for its troubles. Seven Apple patents total spanning physical and software were in question, including pinch-to-zoom and 'bounce back' (the visual effect when you scroll to the bottom of a list). Today Google commented on Friday's ruling, highlighting the fact that there will be appeals and adding that the patent claims included in the suit don't relate to 'the core Android OS.' Check out the full statement from Google (via The Verge) below.

The court of appeals will review both infringement and the validity of the patent claims. Most of these don't relate to the core Android operating system, and several are being re-examined by the US Patent Office. The mobile industry is moving fast and all players — including newcomers — are building upon ideas that have been around for decades. We work with our partners to give consumers innovative and affordable products, and we don't want anything to limit that.

Meanwhile Samsung has also said that Friday's ruling won't be the last of the Apple/Samsung courtroom drama. Speaking via a recently published internal memo, the company said it trusted customers and the market would side with those who prioritize innovation over litigation. The company accused Apple of abusing the patent system and warned that such behavior would not win over the hearts of consumers.

"History has shown there has yet to be a company that has won the hearts and minds of consumers and achieved continuous growth, when its primary means to competition has been the outright abuse of patent law, not the pursuit of innovation," the memo reads.

In an official statement published on August 24, Samsung said:

"This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the world, some of which have already rejected many of Apple's claims."

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    Apple battles with Samsung are laughable. I said it before and will say it again - if we had same patent wars in auto industry we would be still driving good old Ford. Thanks to innovation through competition we have weak players out and strong ones showing up how it's done. If Apple for once tried to be innovative without being a bully we would see some pretty shocking increase in innovations curve.
    I know Samsung is a bit of a copycat firm but boy do they bring nice and reliable devices. For that I respect them. Long live Samsung.
  • evan1715
    ...f@#! Apple.
  • bakagami
    EDVINASMApple battles with Samsung are laughable. I said it before and will say it again - if we had same patent wars in auto industry we would be still driving good old Ford. Thanks to innovation through competition we have weak players out and strong ones showing up how it's done. If Apple for once tried to be innovative without being a bully we would see some pretty shocking increase in innovations curve.I know Samsung is a bit of a copycat firm but boy do they bring nice and reliable devices. For that I respect them. Long live Samsung.I have to wonder what Samsung would have had to do to avoid Apple litigation, make a round phone with round icons maybe?
  • Johmama
    You know, this case has made me hate Apple even more.

    I already thoroughly dislike Apple because of their dumbed-down devices and ridiculously over-priced and restrictive computers (not to mention their business model). I'll admit, I currently own an iPhone, mainly because it was free. I'm going to get a new phone soon, and the new iPhone is supposedly coming out so I was thinking about getting it, since I'd be paying about the same for anything else and the phone itself does it's job. Well now, I'm going to get an Android phone (probably Samsung, just because). This case disgusts me. This free phone that I have is the onlyApple device I've ever owned, and because of this case, I won't be actually buying an Apple device, ever.

    I already hated you before Apple, now you've made me completely despise everything about you.
  • Kami3k
    Hahaha, I love the stabs both Google and Samsung did towards Apple.

    Apple must die for humanity to actual progress in the tech world it seems.
  • Nossy
    Apple piggy back on everything. mp3s, smartphones, OS, tablets. Anyway, Samsung is not all that great anyway. Honestly I can't believe people pay hundreds of dollar a month just to be able to text, tweet, and facebook when they can barely make rent and live paycheck to paycheck.
  • tmshdw2
    Some of guys should remove your heads out of the sand and look at the evidence that was used.

    The evidence included Goggle communicating with Samsung some time ago asking Samsung to stop copying Apple.

    The samsung iii (or whatever) is a near exact oversized copy of the iPhone 3GS.

    Dunno what you guys are defending on Samsung's side. Stop being droid heads. This was a correct rulling.
  • chomlee
    One simple solution to all of this is to be realistic when it comes to software patents. In the IT industry, things are outdated within a year. Therefore, it would make sense that you treat software patents similar to drug patents and only allow them for 5 years. There also needs to be a way of invalidating patents if it can be proven that not enough research was done when the patent was granted. Sorry, but there is not innovation in bounce back and pinch to zoom (that was done in many movies in the 90s way before Apple said came up with it). These things are so arbitrary, they should never be granted.

    I used to prepare some patents in the 90s and the things we had to go through to prove it was innovative was rediculus. Now, you just submit it enough times and eventually it will be approved.
  • halcyon
    This case disgusts me to...its just asinine. There's room for both iOS and Android based phones. I wish the courts had let either of them win, I don't care which, but only awarded them like $10.
  • tmshdw2
    tmshdw2Some of guys should remove your heads out of the sand and look at the evidence that was used.The evidence included Goggle communicating with Samsung some time ago asking Samsung to stop copying Apple.The samsung iii (or whatever) is a near exact oversized copy of the iPhone 3GS. Dunno what you guys are defending on Samsung's side. Stop being droid heads. This was a correct rulling.Since the thumbs down heads can't stand to read something other than their bigoted limited view thought I would give my addition more life.