4th WoW Expansion Will Have New Continent

Monday before the launch of the long-awaited World of WarCraft expansion Cataclysm, Blizzard lead systems designer Greg Street revealed his plans for the next (4th) expansion pack. His approach will be to bring an entirely new continent to the MMORPG, a new place for players to visit rather than revamp more existing areas.

"More like the Burning Crusade or Nothrend, where we send players somewhere new that they haven't seen before," he told CVG. "I think the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are good now, we won't have to mess with them. There might be some small areas that may require polish or changing if things still don't feel quite right."

But he also realizes that there's a weirdness about the overall story when players access the Burning Crusade and Lich King content. It's almost as if players move back in time. "We're going to have to do something to bring that up to speed," he admitted. "We need to make that whole story a little smoother."

Bringing the previous expansion content "up to speed"-- or rather, overall plot fixing-- could mean an update via a future patch or by way of the next expansion pack. Right now the team is currently banging out bugs now that Cataclysm has officially gone retail, however Street said that he wants to stay on a consistent release schedule with expansions, indicating that the 5th installment could arrive sometime in 2011 or 2012.

"We want to get expansions out on fairly regular schedules so we can't really sit back for too long," he said. Burning Crusade launched in January 2007, followed by Wrath of the Lich King in November 2008. Blizzard waited two years to release the 3rd expansion, Cataclysm, which went live today, December 7, 2010.

  • therealfly
    I was mad to learn that after paying 39.99 for the expansion, i had to pay another 14.99 to reactivate my account. 55 dollars to play an expansion is kinda Fail. I will not be buying the 4th expansion, and wish i would have saved my money on this one.
  • sinsear
    WoW was originally released in 2004. The next expansion is 2012. So we can say the game will stay live until at least 2014. That's a pretty impressive lifespan compared to games like CoD or most sports games.
  • sliem
    $40 for cat? lol no - I paid $37 for cat AND wotlk.
    And $15 to reactivate your account is because you pay for 1 month of gametime.
  • cskelly
    sliem$40 for cat? lol no - I paid $37 for cat AND wotlk.And $15 to reactivate your account is because you pay for 1 month of gametime.
    Where did you get this special?
  • nekatreven
  • osxsier
    Why would do you think you would be getting a free month? If it was a new account, then sure. But you are trying to access your old account, hence the 14.99. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
  • torque79
    thanks for the warning therealfly. I have been trying to decide if I should go back to WoW after a long time away, and this gives me just a little more reason not to.

    are you sure that 15.99 was not just for the first month though? or did you have to pay $30, $15 of which was for activation?
  • Anomalyx
    The real knee-slapper is when you total up how much you've paid over a lifetime in WoW subscriptions. Well, at least your total might be. My total is $0.
  • ...ugh.
    Blizzard adds more and more expansions, despite the fact that we of the slower gameplay style can never get the top gear before it's obsolete.

  • Nightsilver
    Harodan...ugh.Blizzard adds more and more expansions, despite the fact that we of the slower gameplay style can never get the top gear before it's obsolete.

    If you didn't have full T10 (which is as close as it gets to free end-game gear) by the time Cataclysm went live, or even four-five months beforehand, then I would suggest you hesitate to invest any more into gaming than a graphing calculator. If Blizzard slowed the game down to your pace, they'd go broke because the rest of the player base would get bored and quit.