Fallout 3 First Impressions

In fallout 3, players emerge from Vault 101 in the Washington D.C. area and make their way into the Capitol Wasteland.

In fallout 3, players emerge from Vault 101 in the Washington D.C. area and make their way into the Capitol Wasteland.

The Pip-Boy interface is back, along with a host of specialized skills and attributes.

The Pip-Boy interface is back, along with a host of specialized skills and attributes.

Instead of simple overhead graphics of the previous game, fallout 3 has a first person view and a complex HUD targeting mode that allows players to select specific body parts of the enemy to shoot.

Instead of simple overhead graphics of the previous game, fallout 3 has a first person view and a complex HUD targeting mode that allows players to select specific body parts of the enemy to shoot.

The main character's father is voiced by Liam Neeson.

The main character’s father is voiced by Liam Neeson.

Yes, you can get some mean headshots in fallout 3.

Yes, you can get some mean headshots in fallout 3.

The graphics engine in fallout 3 is the same one Bethesda Softworks used for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which provides detailed character animation.

The graphics engine in fallout 3 is the same one Bethesda Softworks used for The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, which provides detailed character animation.

The game begins inside Vault 101.

The game begins inside Vault 101.

Concept art of the Capitol Wasteland.

Concept art of the Capitol Wasteland.

More concept art of the Washington, D.C. area.

More concept art of the Washington, D.C. area.

Much of the game takes place inside and around the ruins of Washington, D.C.

Much of the game takes place inside and around the ruins of Washington, D.C.

fallout 3 sports the familiar, post-apocalyptic and retro-futuristic vision of fallout 1 and 2..

fallout 3 sports the familiar, post-apocalyptic and retro-futuristic vision of fallout 1 and 2..