Dallin's tech journey began in 2017, when he spotted the shiny new GTX 1080 on the shelf of one Jarred Walton, Tom's Hardware's resident GPU expert. Babysitting for Jarred, Dallin was paid in a 1050 Ti which killed his computer the second he tried to install it. One week of headscratching troubleshooting later, Dallin was bought into this new life of tinkering and trying to squeeze every frame of performance out of their hardware. First writing for PC Gamer, Dallin made the trek over to Tom's Hardware to tackle the morning's breaking tech news. Perpetually one generation behind the bleeding edge, Dallin is currently studying at a university in Utah. When they're not writing about the US/China trade war, Dallin is either writing new music, getting in rounds of Magic: the Gathering, or advocating for minority rights.