Duke Nukem Developer 3D Realms Is Back In Action

3D Realms announced on Thursday that it's back in action. You remember 3D Realms, right? It's the developer behind the original Duke Nukem games, Wolfenstein 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blake Stone, Commander Keen and loads more. The studio closed its doors five years ago, but now it's up and running and offering a huge 3D Realms Anthology collection for the introductory price of $19.99. The price goes up in 48 hours to $39.99.

According to the developer, some of the original staff have returned including the original founders Scott Miller and Bryan Turner. There are also new faces joining the group such as Interceptor Entertainment CEO Frederik Schreiber and Mike Nielsen from Coolshop.com.

"After a historic 22 years of kicking ass and not chewing gum, the legendary developer is returning with new talent, new games and a renewed passion for innovative experiences," the updated website now reads.

3D Realms as we knew it said goodbye back in May 2009, and development of Duke Nukem Forever was handed over to Gearbox Software to piece together. However, 3D Realms was rather successful during the 1990s, churning out Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior while also licensing out its BUILD engine to other developers. 3D Realms spent most of the 2000s burning through funding to complete Duke Nukem Forever.

The re-launch of 3D Realms should come as no surprise. Interceptor Entertainment, the studio behind the recent Rise of the Triad remake, purchased 3D Realms earlier this year. Both are supposedly working on a new action-RPG Duke Nukem game called Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction. Meanwhile, 3D Realms, Take Two Software and Gearbox are supposedly still fighting over Duke Nukem Forever in court.

3D Realms' new collection of classic games features controller support and a new, custom-built launcher. This bundle also comes packed with a re-mastered soundtrack called 3D Realms Re-Rockestrated, which features nine tracks that have been completely "re-composed." 

The studio's "Meet The Team" page shows that Mike Nielson will serve as CEO and President of 3D Realms. Frederik Schreiber will be Vice President, and Scott Miller will only serve as an adviser. Becky Taylor will be Marketing Director, Bryan Turner will be Office Manager, and Joe Siegler will return as Community Manager.

For more information about 3D Realms, the studio provides a lengthy history right here. Meanwhile, here's the list of games in the new 3D Realms Anthology:

  • Arctic Adventure
  • Bio Menace
  • Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
  • Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy
  • Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
  • Math Rescue
  • Monster Bash
  • Mystic Towers
  • Paganitzu
  • Monuments of Mars
  • Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
  • Crystal Caves
  • Death Rally
  • Alien Carnage
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Major Stryker
  • Blake Stone: Planet Strike
  • Realms of Chaos
  • Pharaoh's Tomb
  • Word Rescue
  • Secret Agent
  • Raptor: Call of the Shadows
  • Terminal Velocity
  • Wacky Wheels
  • Stargunner
  • Shadow Warrior
  • Wolfenstein 3D
  • Rise of the Triad: Dark War
  • Duke Nukem
  • Duke Nukem 2
  • Duke Nukem 3D
  • Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

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  • agnickolov
    Wolfenstein 3D was NOT developed by 3d Realms. It was developed by id Software. Here's its Wikipedia page:
  • SBMfromLA

    What you failed to notice is... the Wolfenstein game was distributed by Apogee Software (DOS version) which is AKA 3D Realms.
  • MumblinBerk
    Duke. Many found memories there. Even before the "Monster 3D" accelerators came out, it was just plain old fun. I liked all the "Build" engine games. John St. John's voice acting brought some absurd attitude to the characters. Lo Wang was a riot: Shadow Warrior "Who Want-a Some Wang?" But then,... I waited so long for DNF.... I sank into a deep pit of depression from which I never quite emerged..... (But I played a lot of CounterStrike while I was waiting)

  • a1r

    What you failed to notice is... the Wolfenstein game was distributed by Apogee Software (DOS version) which is AKA 3D Realms.

    What YOU fail to notice is that agnickolov is still correct. Wolfenstein 3D was developed by id software. The article says it was DEVELOPED by 3D Realms, and it most certainly wasn't. Developed is not the same thing as published or distributed.

    As for Duke Nukem, we'll probably another half baked money grab of a horrid game that didn't deserve the title of Duke Nukem is released in a slap dash push worthy of EA or Ubisoft.
  • cypeq
    It's halloween... afterall... I'd expect more than one zombie to rise.
  • Vorador2
    3D realms wasn't just a developer, it was also a publisher in their earlier years, as Apogee. Most of the games in the pack where published by them, rather than developed.
  • StarBound
    Never finished Biomenace or Halloween Harry. Maybe now I will get the chance...
  • Afrospinach
    Next up: Duke Nukem eternity. See you all in 15 years.
  • boju
    Finish off Halflife3 please 3D Realms
  • Sempytender
    Apogee was a publisher not a developer.. Hence, Wolf3d was developed by id NOT Apogee..